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The Morrison Federal Government on Tuesday handed down the 2020 Federal Budget. So what does it all mean for you? Your union, the ASU has had experts locked away in the Government’s budget lockup so that we can bring you exclusive insight and analysis about what the budget means for…
You will have been called to attend a briefing from the Company yesterday to hear their announcement. We know that you may be concerned about this announcement, but we want to assure you that your union is with you throughout this process. A large number of Flight Centre employees have…
The Federal Government has made some important changes to JobKeeper. The good news is that the JobKeeper Payment scheme has been extended until 28 March 2021 to ensure more Australians can stay in jobs and more businesses can survive the economic fallout of this pandemic. However, the bad news is…
On 24 September 2020, the Federal Court ruled that Qantas misinterpreted S 789GDA of the Fair Work Act when calculating JobKeeper payments. This is a landmark win for ASU members at Qantas. The ASU, along with the FAAA and TWU, brought the case after Qantas short-changed employees over penalty rates…
At the consultation meeting on Monday, 21 September, ASU delegates and organisers pushed the company to do the right thing by employees and offer voluntary redundancies before forcing loyal employees out the door. Management says no, despite acknowledging their selection process ‘isn’t perfect’. There are serious problems with the compulsory…
On Monday, 21 September the CEO of dnata Catering emailed employees to announce that the company had decided to make number of employees redundant. The ASU met with dnata on Monday afternoon to start the consultation process. Approximately 40 indirect/support roles and 40 manager/senior manager roles are affected by the…
The Australian Services Union is proud to announce Emeline Gaske will be its new Assistant National Secretary. Emeline comes to the role with deep experience at the union, currently leading the national communications and campaigns team. She has played a key leadership role on the strategy and negotiations with Virgin…

Qantas airports update

18 September 2020
Today ASU delegates and officials met with the company reps to consult about the EOIs for redundancy results and the binding offers that have been accepted, those that have not and what the process is from here on the issues of Special Leave without Pay and temporary conversion from Full…
We have all been shocked by the Jetstar decision to outsource the work of Jetstar services staff working on the ramp in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, Adelaide and Avalon. Around 350 staff will lose their jobs as a result of this decision which came without warning. Unfortunately it seems Jetstar…
The ASU is calling on Menzies Aviation to offer ‘Special Leave Without Pay’ to all employees affected by stand downs. This is special arrangement for employees who don’t want to work during the stand down, but also don’t want a redundancy. It freezes your employment, so you have certainty to…