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NDIS-making it the best it can be

29 October 2012 By


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is currently being rolled out across the country. It's a huge social policy initiative that will have a profound effect on the disability sector.

A few very significant things the NDIS means for the sector:

  • A doubling of people receiving supports.
  • A doubling of the workforce.
  • From $7billion a year in funding to $22billion a year.

ASU members are working to make sure the NDIS is the best it can be for everyone involved. Will you join us to be part of the change?

"A quality, professional & sustainable workforce is essential
to achieving the goal of delivering real choice and control
for people with disabilities and respecting their rights."

Get involved in the campaign on social media

Get involved in the campaign in your workplace



The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme. It is a new funding scheme to provide support and services for people living with a disability across Australia.

Currently, our industry is under-funded and under-resourced. Historically, a small amount of funding was allocated to organisations by local, state and federal governments. This money was used to employ workers and provide care. The NDIS will change this.

Under the NDIS, money will go to individual people with disabilities who will have choice and control to develop plans of the supports they need that they can then purchase from service providers.

The NDIS will provide greater funding so that more than double the number of people currently receiving supports will receive services into the future. The exact figure is currently unknown, but it is expected to be around half a million people. Funding is expected to increase from $7billion nationally to $22billion nationally each year by 2020.

It is also expected that the disability sector workforce will also need to double by 2020 to meet the needs of people with disability under the NDIS scheme.

Download our campaign fact sheet for more info including:

  • Where the NDIS came from
  • What the NDIS will mean for people with disability
  • What the NDIS will mean for workers in the disability sector
  • How we can make sure the NDIS is the best it can be

Need more reasons to join us?

If you're ready to join the campaign, send us a few details.

As part of our campaign to Make the NDIS the best it can be , it is important to have a well trained workforce. Check out our materials about a NDIS Portable Training Scheme and join our campaign.

icon ASU NDIS Training System Factsheet - Training System Factsheet

icon ASU NDIS Training System Poster - Training System Poster

icon A Portable Training Report - A Portable Training Entitlement System Summary Report

ASU Training System Video - Download and watch video here

to make the NDIS the best it can be

"A decent safety net of pay and conditions to attract, retain and value the workforce."

We have created some materials for workers in the sector to download and share with your colleagues for the Pillar 1 stage of the campaign.

icon Pillar 1 Postcard - fast facts on the ASU Equal Pay Case pay rise due on 1 December and how the safety net of pay and conditions is under threat.

icon Pillar 1 Fact Sheet - more details about the need to defend pay and conditions, along with a list of what employers are trying to take away and what the ASU is trying to introduce to improve the working conditions for disability workers.

icon Pillar 1 Toolkit - resources to inspire (a story from ASU member and disability sector worker Del), inform (a history in a nutshell of the Equal Pay Case) and assist you to talk with colleagues (ideas for workplace activities and speaking notes).


"Secure jobs at the centre of service delivery."

Materials for workers in the sector to download and share with your colleagues for the Pillar 2 stage of the campaign.

icon Pillar 2 Postcard- fast facts on the issue of job security in the sector.

icon Pillar 2 Fact sheet - more details about how moves by some employers in the sector will undermine job security, along with some of the actions by the ASU to improve it.

icon Pillar 2 Toolkit - resources to inspire (words from ASU member and disability sector worker Mike), inform (the issue of job security in a nutshell) and assist you to talk with colleagues (questions and answers).


"Workforce engagement to make sure workers are part of the change."

Materials for workers in the sector to download and share with your colleagues for the Pillar 3 stage of the campaign.

icon Pillar 3 Postcard - fast facts on the issue of engaging workers in the sector.

icon Pillar 3 Fact Sheet - more details about how respecting input from workers results in an engaged and effective workforce.

icon Pillar 3 Toolkit - resources to inspire (words from ASU member and support worker Gavin), inform (the issue of workforce engagement in a nutshell) and assist you to talk with colleagues (questionnaire to help you identify your workplace culture).

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"Professional standards to ensure the highest possible quality care and support."

icon Pillar 4 Postcard - fast facts on professional standards in the sector.

icon Pillar 4 Fact Sheet - more details about the importance of professional standards and how to protect and improve them.

icon Pillar 4 Toolkit - resources to help explain professional standards in the workplace.

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