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Your ASU bargaining team met with Menzies management in Sydney on 3 July 2018. We presented the items on our log of claims regarding overtime, permanent employment and job security. Management will consider these items and report back to us at the next meeting. There was also further discussion of…
Our campaign to win a fair new agreement is moving ahead! Your ASU bargaining team met with Menzies management in Sydney on 20 June 2018. Your team told management about the need for fairness and transparency in rostering, annual leave and days in lieu. We explained our claim for paid…
On 7 June 2018 your Neami ASU delegates met with management to progress discussions for your new Neami agreement. The Good Neami has agreed to a number of the changes that ASU members wanted to see in your new agreement, including: Better redeployment rights for employees whose positions are made…
ASU Delegates will meet with Qantas management to discuss the superannuation issues. The ASU has written to Qantas with questions ahead of the meeting. We are looking for clear answers about: How the new fund will be chosen; How ASU members will be consulted about choice of fund; How current…
ASU delegates met with management today to continue bargaining for a new enterprise agreement. Management offered an unfair pay increase of 7.5% over three years (2% in 2018, 2.25% in 2019, 2.25% in 2020) and an additional two days of compassionate leave for employees who need to travel for funerals.…
Members will recall that there was a Hearing in the FWC on the 28 February 2018 regarding Canon’s application arguing that the FWC did NOT have the jurisdiction to hear the dispute between the ASU and Canon concerning the GPS tracking of technician’s mobile phones. Last Friday, the Commission released…
The Australian Services Union has made a submission to a parliamentary inquiry condemning the Government’s proposed legislation which attacks community organisation’s rights to engage in advocacy, as well as banning aid organisations and advocacy organisations from receiving international donations and funding. The Bill puts a huge administrative burden on community…
We are pleased to advise that the Fair Work Commission has approved the new ASU/Slater and Gordon Lawyers’ Agreement on 22nd January 2018. The Agreement commences operation on Monday 29th January 2018. Payroll have confirmed that the back pay will be processed as part of the first full pay period…
We know ASU members in community services and disability services have been working hard this year, and so have we. We have spent a lot of time working hard to influence government policy in community services and in relation to the NDIS and we have had some big wins along…
Today Slater and Gordon management have announced a number of office closures, restructures and redundancies. Your ASU delegates and officials have been consulted about these changes. We like you don’t believe it is fair that those whose only crime has been to come to work and do their job have…