General ASU News
We need the right to clock off and switch off!
28 August 2023
Balancing work and home life is essential for everyone. We all want to work hard and feel rewarded in our jobs, but we also need to spend quality time with family and friends, care for our loved ones, enjoy hobbies, exercise, and rest. But for too many people, the work-life…
Almost 3 million workers are set to receive a 5.75% pay rise after a well fought campaign by union members. The Fair Work Commission have announced that Modern Award Rates will increase by 5.75% and the National Minimum Wage will increase by 8.6% on July 1, 2023. Australian Services Union…
Workers forced to delay doctor visits as wages fail to keep up with record cost of living rise
01 June 2023
Eight-out-of-10 Australian workers report feeling financially worse off than a year ago, while more than half are putting off seeing a doctor due to the escalating cost of living, a survey has found. Workers also flagged concerns about being able to afford groceries and the costs of maintaining a car…
Exlusive Budget Update for ASU members
10 May 2023
The 2023-24 Federal Budget has just been announced. So, what does it all mean for you? ASU members have won: National Net-Zero Authority to support workers and communities in the transition to a clean energy future. Increased funding to social and community services, including $67.5 to save housing and homelessness…
ASU election year 2023
03 May 2023
All elected National and Branch positions in the ASU are up for re-election this year. Officers of the Union are elected every four years and all eligible members are entitled to run for Branch offices. Branch Nominations open on Wednesday 3 May 2023 and close at 4 pm on Wednesday…
Let's get Apple back to the bargaining table - Join the ASU and be part of Member-Only Meetings
18 November 2022
On Tuesday night, ASU held an all-Apple worker zoom meeting and there was a great turnout and energy following our huge NO-vote win! It seems Apple are more shocked than we could have imagined at the resounding ‘no’ vote - and are still asking themselves why and how? This shows…
Vale Keith Meynell
25 October 2022
A message from the ASU Taxation Officers’ Branch We are sad to advise that our past President, past Treasurer and friend, Keith Meynell died on Monday morning, 17 October 2022 at Austin Palliative care, surrounded by his daughters, Rebecca and Lizzie. Keith was a good friend, a great unionist and…
We’re hiring! National Industrial Officer
27 July 2022
National Industrial Officer - Sydney / Melbourne The Australian Services Union (ASU) is seeking a full time National Industrial Officer to work in the Union's National Office. The role may be located at the ASU National Offices in Sydney or Melbourne. The ASU is a large and growing trade union,…
Thanks to the work of ASU members, the NDIS has announced a 9% increase in NDIS prices to cover wage rises and better working conditions for disability support workers. This new funding recognises that the NDIS prices needs to change the way it operates to keep skilled, professional disability support…
BREAKING: ASU members win 4.6 - 5.2%% wage increase in the National Wage Case! This week, Australian Services Union members have campaigned for a meaningful pay rise through the National Wage Case, and won! The Fair Work Commission handed down the Annual Wage Review Decision on the 15 June 2022.…