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ASU delegates and officials attended the Qantas AGM in Brisbane on Friday 26th October 2018 and put the company’s imposition of conditions on this year’s bonuses front and centre as an issue for staff in the questions we put to the Chairman of the Board and CEO Alan Joyce. Thanks…
On 3 October 2018 Aerocare asked the Fair Work Commission to POSTPONE deciding whether to approve the new Aerocare Collective Agreement. The Fair Work Commission agreed. This means the hearing about the Agreement won’t happen until at least next year. What has happened so far? Employees voted to approve the…
This year we are sending ASU representatives to the Qantas AGM to ask the Board why we are not getting our bonuses. This year the Qantas Annual General meeting is being held on Friday 26th October 2018 at 11am at the Hilton Hotel Ballroom Level 5, 190 Elizabeth Street Brisbane.…
We are pleased to advise that the Fair Work Commission approved Jetstar EBA6 on 18 September 2018. What next? EBA6 will come into force 25 September 2018. The ASU has been in discussion with the Company about your salary increases, the Qantas profit-record bonus and will confirm the following details…
The Australian Services Union today welcomed a step in the right direction by Federal Labor in responding to the unacceptable outcomes for women in superannuation, but said it only went part-way to solving the problem. Labor’s announcement that it would pay super to people on parental leave if elected to…
Michael Rizzo, ASU National Industrial Officer, met with Canon management on Friday 14 September in Sydney for a preliminary discussion on commencing negotiations for a new EBA. The current EBA “expires” for re-negotiation purposes in February 2019. The ASU believes it is best to commence negotiations some time before the…
ACTU Secretary Sally McManus will address QANTAS workers who are calling on the QANTAS board to reverse a decision that links the payment of a $2000 ‘bonus’ to the signing of new enterprise agreements. The conditions attached to the ‘bonus’ mean that for many workers, access to the payment, if…

AaE Bargaining Update

14 September 2018
Your ASU bargaining team met with Qantas management in Sydney to discuss our new EBA on Thursday, 13 September 2018. Qantas wouldn’t answer many questions today. They won’t even give us a log of claims till they’ve seen ours. We took the opportunity to talk about what ASU members want…
The Australian Services Union today demanded the Federal Government fix the superannuation system so it stops failing women. A recent report by Per Capita, commissioned by the Australian Services Union – Not so Super for Women – found women have an average 53% of the super savings of men. Analysis…
Your ASU delegates met with dnata Catering representatives in Brisbane on Tuesday, 28 August 2018 to talk about the purchase of Q Catering. Our message to dnata was that ASU members at Q Catering are united and ready to do whatever is necessary to protect our jobs, pay and conditions.…