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In the previous Newsletter members were informed that the FWC had rejected Canon’s jurisdictional objection and given this Decision the ASU would now write to the Commission asking it to schedule the arbitration dates to hear the GPS tracking dispute. As the ASU was preparing to write to the Commission…
ASU members are standing up to unfair bargaining practices at Konekt Employment. Management is trying to rush through an enterprise agreement without properly negotiating with staff. The ASU wrote to the CEO, Anthony Steel, to tell him to listen to our members claims for a fair pay increase and genuine…
ASU delegates met with management today to continue bargaining for a new enterprise agreement. Management offered an unfair pay increase of 7.5% over three years (2% in 2018, 2.25% in 2019, 2.25% in 2020) and an additional two days of compassionate leave for employees who need to travel for funerals.…
Members will recall that there was a Hearing in the FWC on the 28 February 2018 regarding Canon’s application arguing that the FWC did NOT have the jurisdiction to hear the dispute between the ASU and Canon concerning the GPS tracking of technician’s mobile phones. Last Friday, the Commission released…
The Maurice Blackburn Employees’ Agreement 2016 provides for a review of the classification structure in Appendix A of the Agreement. The review is conducted jointly by the Australian Services Union and Maurice Blackburn. We need ASU members to help with the review of the draft classifications and participate in getting…
AeroCare has lost its third legal proceeding in a row attempting to have the Aerocare Collective Agreement 2017 approved, the latest being an appeal to the Federal Court which was an appeal about an appeal they’d lost to a Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission. Confused? Let us explain…
ASU Delegates and Staff met with Qantas management to discuss the proposed sale of QCatering and to ask further questions. We have told Qantas that they need to show some respect for staff and start answering questions about the future of Qantas Catering. Staff need detail so they can make…
Employees voted to approve the Aerocare Collective Agreement 2018. This means that Aerocare have 14 days from the date of the vote to lodge an application for the Fair Work Commission to approve or reject the Agreement. What does the Fair Work Commission do with the Agreement? Aerocare have 14…
Tonight, we needed a budget that tackled growing inequality, flat lining wages, gave our communities greater security in employment and retirement.  Instead the Federal Government delivered for its mates in banks and big business with $80 billion in corporate tax cuts. The Federal Government has failed many in our community:…
Negotiations at Rex between the ASU and management have nearly come to a close. It is hoped the new agreement will be ready for staff to view and be put out for a vote in the next few weeks. Final discussions are taking place surrounding the change that Rex sought…