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We know ASU members in community services and disability services have been working hard this year, and so have we. We have spent a lot of time working hard to influence government policy in community services and in relation to the NDIS and we have had some big wins along…
We are pleased to advise that Slater and Gordon staff have overwhelmingly endorsed both the Support Staff Enterprise Agreement and the Lawyers Enterprise Agreement negotiated by the ASU’s National Negotiating Team. For both agreements 98% of staff who voted, voted in favor of their agreements. This is a ringing endorsement…
The ACTU has renewed calls for the Community Development Program to be scrapped after a Senate inquiry into the Program found that the program is causing harm to its overwhelmingly Indigenous workforce. The racist work-for-the-dole scheme does not pay wages for the 25 hours of work participants have to do…
There is no doubt it has been a big year at Aerocare – there has been much activity on the agreement front and most recently as you know the company has been purchased by a very large international group handling company – Swissport International Ltd. The following is a brief…
Your ASU representatives met with Virgin management on Friday 1 December to continue negotiations for your next EBA. In the weeks leading up to the meeting hundreds of VA workers have signed a petition to management calling on them to drop their claims to cut your take home pay. Management…
Voting opens on Thursday 14th December 2017 for the approval of the Slater and Gordon – Australian Services Union Support Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017 and the Slater and Gordon Australian Services Union Lawyers Enterprise Agreement 2017. The ASU National Negotiating Team supported by a resounding vote of members across Australia…
The ASU Jetstar National Negotiating team (NNT) met for a day-long meeting to work through Jetstar’s proposals, before meeting with management representatives on 5th December. Discussions with the business continue for the most part to be productive. Jetstar has acknowledged many of your issues and we are continuing to debate…
The judgement handed down by the High Court yesterday in a case between petroleum and gas giant ESSO and the Australian Workers Union has made Australia’s industrial action laws – which are already some of the most restrictive in the OECD – much more oppressive. The High Court has described…
Meetings of ASU members across Australia have overwhelmingly endorsed the new Support Staff and Lawyers Agreements negotiated by the ASU’s National Negotiating Team. As a result of this positive result we have notified the company that the ASU supports the proposed agreements and so a vote of all staff will…
ExxonMobil, the parent company of Esso, who has attempted to drive down wages and conditions of workers at their Longford on and offshore sites, will be hauled before a Senate Inquiry into corporate tax evasion. This comes as a result of the report published today by ASU partner the Tax…