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The Australian Council of Trade Unions has warned that the Federal Government’s changes to the superannuation industry will make it easier for employers to steal workers’ superannuation, in addition to giving the big banks access to workers’ super. Independent research shows that $5.6 billion of super goes unpaid every year,…
While we are fighting for your rights, organising to get fair pay rises and secure jobs, the Turnbull Government is coming after working people, your union and now your superannuation. You helped us stop the Government’s anti-union bills. We won because the crossbench heard your voice. We need your help…
The ASU have notified the Fair Work Commission that we believe the Emirates Enterprise Agreement 2017, cannot be approved. Many members have raised their concerns with the ASU about the recent voting outcome in light of changes to Emirates’ Trans-Tasman operations. We’ve taken care to scrutinise the whole voting process…
The ASU tabled our final detailed claims for EBA6 and met with Jetstar representatives to continue bargaining. On 26 October the National Negotiating Team met with Jetstar for the third time for bargaining to replace the Jetstar/ASU Agreement 2014 (EBA5). Discussions focussed on claims 14, 15, 16, 18 and claims…
ASU members are angry that the VA CEO Mr John Borghetti has been awarded millions in bonuses at the same time the company is trying to cut our take home pay. Negotiation update We had a negotiation meeting with management on 16 October 2017. We have been able to make…
The message from the community has been loud and clear during the deliberations of the People’s Inquiry into Privatisation: take back control of public services! After public hearings all over Australia last year, taking written submissions from individuals as well as affected organisations, and commissioning research, the People’s Inquiry is…
What is this? It is a disclosure from your union of the ‘financial benefits’ it may receive from the terms of your EA. Why have I received this disclosure? Earlier this year the Coalition Government passed amendments to the Fair Work Act requiring employer and employee representatives to make disclosures…
The ACTU stands in solidarity with the Australian Services Union and Transport Workers Union, which are defending airport workers in the Fair Work Commission today against a disgraceful attempt by aviation company Aerocare to impose poverty level conditions on its workers. ALERT: The ASU is in the Fair Work Commission…
ACTU President Ged Kearney will attend a high-visibility action and address the media to call on the Prime Minister and senior Ministers including Michaelia Cash and Christian Porter to meet with the ACTU to discuss Family and Domestic Violence. No member of the Turnbull Government has made the time to…
The ACTU welcomes Brendan O’Connor’s announcement that the Australian Labor Party will act to address the use of non-representative agreements if it forms the next government. The dispute at Carlton United Breweries drew national attention to the use of non-representative agreements – which are signed by a handful of workers…