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The PACER-Plus free trade agreement has been tabled in the Senate today, despite the fact that Fiji and Papua New Guinea are opting out of the agreement – meaning it will not cover 80% of the population and GDP of Pacific Islands nations. The agreement, which still includes Australia, New…
Malcolm Turnbull and Michaelia Cash are overdue for a reality check: escaping family and domestic violence, safely, so people have a hope of rebuilding their lives in the near term, takes time and it takes money. The Federal Government's tinkering around the edges of policy, while simultaneously trying to cut…
Today the Fair Work Commission has again rejected Aerocare’s dodgy enterprise agreement, saying it does not meet minimum legal requirements. The Agreement was originally rejected by the independent umpire back in August, and the ASU said at that time that Aerocare needed to sit down with us and negotiate a…
The ASU Jetstar National Negotiating team (NNT) met with management representatives for our 4th EBA negotiation meeting on 13th November. It is still early days but time to get serious and put an effort into trying to resolve some of the key issues. Your NNT heard company feedback and discussed…
The ASU has attended a meeting with the FSU and Bupa representatives to talk about when negotiations can commence for a new EBA with Bupa. The current EBA expires for re-negotiation purposes 31st December 2017. What is the first step? Notice of Employee Representational Rights (NERR). The Fair Work Act…
The changes to industry superannuation that are currently before the federal Parliament would give more power to the banks and take control away from working people. The proposed changes would remove representatives of working people from super fund boards and subject industry super to more onerous regulations than the banking…
Your ASU reps had another meeting with Qantas management on Friday 3rd November 2017 about the proposed centralisation of Airports workforce planning. We remain none the wiser about how this is all going to happen and we remain extremely concerned that the project is ill conceived and is going to…
The Union and other interested parties met with REX on Tuesday 31st October. After further discussions including access to Annual Leave, Management have reviewed their final proposals. There is now only one clause (Appendix 1 Level4) to be completed before a final document is ready for members to consider. The…
Today, the Senate Community Affairs Committee has handed down its report into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission legislation, and made a number of recommendations supporting the positions that have been put by ASU members. ASU members appeared before the Committee hearing back in September, and told Senators that investment…
The ACTU is calling for the minimum wage to be raised to the level of a living wage, on which a low-paid worker could support themselves and their family, after ABS figures released last week show that soaring cost of living is driving millions of workers into poverty. ACTU Secretary…