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At our 2nd meeting with Jetstar management on 9th October 2017 we tabled most of our remaining detailed claims, as follows: Claim 10 - Ensure job security of Jetstar employees by providing that any contractors are paid the same rates and conditions. Claim 25 - Provide for the ability to…

Anti-Poverty Week 2017

16 October 2017
Statement from ACTU President Ged Kearney: This week is Anti-Poverty Week, a reminder that three million working Australians are living in poverty. The current minimum wage is not enough to lift all Australians above the poverty, according to the Fair Work Commission Expert Panel. Â Roughly three million Australians are…

Negotiations continue @ REX

16 October 2017
Your bargaining representatives and the United Services Union met once again with REX management on Tuesday 26th September. Discussions were held regarding the following issues: Union Claims Senior CSO PositionsREX presented an initial offer for senior positions including a cap of 20% of employees to be eligible. Discussion still underway…
The ASU and the Employee Bargaining Reps (EBR’s) reached an in principle agreement with NCR regarding a new eba in September. The new eba is largely a status quo document with a 2.25%p.a wage increase. The first wage increase of 2.25% will be backdated till 1st September and then there…
An IMF report released yesterday shows that the Turnbull Government’s tax cuts for big business would increase inequality and concentrate more wealth in the hands of the few, echoing the calls from the Australian Union movement to end the corporate tax cuts and urgently address inequality. The Report shows top…
The ASU is happy to report that 95% of all employees that voted during the EBA ballot voted in favour of the new EBA. This is fantastic news and locks in all of your current conditions for another 3 years as well as delivering a variety of improvements. What happens…
The changes to industry super proposed by the Turnbull Government will mean less money and more exploitation for working people. The changes – which include replacing union representatives with former executives on boards and subjecting industry super to a harsher regulatory regime than the big banks have to navigate –…
As we advised in our recent bulletin Aerocare have appealed against the Fair Work Commission refusal to approve the Aerocare Collective agreement 2017. We can now advise that the hearing is before the full bench of the Fair Work Commission (i.e. 3 people) on 19th October 2017 in Sydney. The…

AIA We’ve Won

11 October 2017
Senior management have withdrawn their claim to include face to face and call centre fundraisers in the agreement. All AIA employees will continue to be employed on the same terms and conditions. Congratulations to all the members and delegates who put in the hard work to get us here. Because…
After a difficult last few weeks dealing with redundancies and restructuring, we have now resumed negotiations for the new Support Staff and Lawyers Agreements. We had a meeting today (9th October 2017) and have another meeting planned for 17th October 2017. It is fair to say we have made some…