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Aerocare appear to be going to great lengths to blame the Unions for you not receiving a pay rise. The fact is that the Fair Work Commission found that the proposed Aerocare EBA was not compliant with the minimum legal framework and Award minimums that an EBA is required to…
ASU delegates met with Qantas management on 7th September 2017 for our third consultation meeting about the proposed centralisation of the Airports rostering work to Sydney. The company proposes that Ramp, Customer Service and Fleet Presentation rostering and planning all be centralised to Sydney (N.B Fleet Presentation is already centralised).…
Today Slater and Gordon management have announced a number of office closures, restructures and redundancies. Your ASU delegates and officials have been consulted about these changes. We like you don’t believe it is fair that those whose only crime has been to come to work and do their job have…
Your ASU Bargaining Representatives met with MAB management on Wednesday, 6 September 2017. The MAB has offered the following: 3 year agreement; 2 weeks paid maternity leave; $200 educational assistance allowance per training; Pay increases of 3.5% for each year of the agreement; and No other changes to the agreement…
The Australian Council of Trade Unions welcomes the Senate’s support for an ALP amendment to the Vulnerable Workers' Bill that removes coercive powers that could have denied the right to silence for 11 million Australian workers. Had the original Bill passed, it would have seen all working Australians lose the…
Members would be aware that negotiations for the NSW Pax agreement began a little while ago, post the AHSA scandal. Thus far we have had 5 eba meetings, but dnata will tell you we have had 10 meetings. (More on this point below). The negotiations can be summarised at this…
ASU members at ports throughout the country overwhelmingly endorsed our claim for Jetstar EBA 6. The claim was developed after extensive consultation with our members and other staff at Jetstar through surveys and feedback from delegates. Today our claim will be served on Jetstar management. What is endorsed? The Claim…
Today the Fair Work Commission has rejected the substandard Aerocare agreement that was opposed by the Australian Services Union and the TWU. All along we have maintained this agreement would not meet the strict tests set down by the court and the law and we were right. In a long,…
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), with the support of the ASU, has called for the Turnbull Government to combat the rising cost of power by standing up to the excessive corporate power in the privatised energy market. A new report today reveals private energy companies are playing the…
Qantas announced another bumper profit on Friday 25 August 2017 and as a result decided to provide a bonus of $2500 for full time employee s and $2000 for part time employees who agreed to the airlines 18 months wage freeze. Qantas Airways ASU members covered by EBA 11 agreed…