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Australian Unions are calling on the Turnbull Government to take urgent steps to plug gaping holes in the national tax framework which are robbing Australia of badly needed funds for schools, hospitals and services. The Australian Tax Office (ATO) Commissioner revealed there are large loopholes in the Government’s flagship anti-corporate…
A fourth meeting of the bargaining committee took place by teleconference on Wednesday, 21 June 2017 Report back from THAI Following staff voting down the Proposed Agreement twice, THAI came back to the table to hear about the outstanding issues. At a teleconference, the parties discussed the classification structure, the…
Today the Fair Work Commission handed down its decision in the award review into casual and part-time employment. The ASU was successful in opposing employer applications that would have disadvantaged our members in the legal industry and the social and community services sector. Legal Services Award 2010 A group of…
Remunicipalisation. It’s a big word for a big job, picking-up the pieces from numerous failed attempts to privatise public services originally supplied by local governments. It is the name of the process the City of Paris went through in bringing their water service back in house seven years ago. Long…
Recently our global union affiliate UNI reported an update on the campaign to have supply chains around the world enter into a fire and building safety agreement to ensure workers are protected from tragedies like the Rana Plaza collapse that claimed the lives of more than 1,100 workers, an event…
Since our last bulletin and our meetings with members your National Negotiating Team at Slater and Gordon has met with the company reps on 13th and 23rd June 2017 and we were due to meet them again on 5th July. While bargaining has been slow we believe we had made…
The Fair Work Commission has made orders that Aerocare must produce a range of employment and rostering documents to the to allow further analysis to be done, as serious questions have been raised as to whether the agreement is legal. The ASU is of the view that the agreement is…
Virgin Australia staff have just won Best Airline Staff in Australia/Pacific in the Skytrax World Airline Awards. This is a testament to the hard work that staff put in day in, day out, to ensure exceptional services for guests. But at the same time, Virgin Australia is trying to cut…
You’ve probably seen the news – penalty rates for hospitality, retail and pharmacy workers could be slashed from July 1. The good news is we can do something about this if we act now. >> Click here to become a Weekend Warrior! An aggressive bosses’ campaign has so far succeeded…
On International Public Service Day, just about the only public servants to be rewarded under the Malcolm Turnbull Federal Government are politicians. They will receive a 2% pay increase on 1 July along with a tax cut with the removal of the high earners' levy. For Mr Turnbull, that's an…