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Statement from Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) President Ged Kearney: The Turnbull Government’s decision to vote against proposed legislation to stop the penalty rate cuts is another failure to stand up for Australian working people. After losing the vote of LNP backbencher George Christensen, who crossed the floor to…
Results of the Jetstar EBA 6 ASU survey are now being made available to ASU members before we ask you to endorse the ASU claim for the next round of bargaining. National negotiating team At the recent national meeting of ASU Jetstar delegates it was resolved to finalise our Jetstar…
This month the Senate Committee inquiring into gender segregation in the workplace and its impact on women's economic equality released its report. The ASU lodged a submission to the Inquiry and also appeared at hearings with members providing evidence. We are pleased that a number of the remedies we put…
Brussels, 13 June 2017 (ITUC OnLine): The number of countries experiencing physical violence and threats against workers has risen by 10 per cent in just one year, according to the annual ITUC Global Rights Index. Attacks on union members have been documented in fifty-nine countries, fuelling growing anxiety about jobs…
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) has today urged the Turnbull Government to be open minded in its response to the findings of the Finkel Review into the Future of Security of Australia’s Energy Market. The Government must get on with making energy more affordable, reduce pollution and provide…
Your ASU delegates met with Virgin on 9 June 2017 and responded to Virgin’s log of claims. We told management that ASU members do not deserve a pay cut, so we reject their claims to: Increase the spread of hours from 0700 – 1800 to 0600 – 1800 (cutting millions…
Emirates will roll the dice and put an inferior Agreement out to vote. Your Union and bargaining representatives met with Emirates on Wednesday, 7 June 2017 to talk through Emirates’ draft replacement Agreement. The low pay offer was not discussed further, however Emirates has been put on notice about significant…
ASU officials met with Startrack Express managers on June 2 2017 in Melbourne to discuss commencing negotiations for a new EBA. The current EBA expires for re-negotiation purposes soon. What is the first step? Notice of Employee Representational Rights (NERR). The Fair Work Act requires Startrack to provide all employees…
Today’s announcement of an increase of 3.3% to minimum award wages does not meet the principle that a full time worker in Australia should not have to live in poverty. The Fair Work Commission (FWC) recognised its failure to achieve this in its Annual Wage Review Statement but the ASU…
The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has confirmed the penalty rate wage cuts for up to 700,000 workers will begin in less than four weeks. The transitional arrangements for the penalty rate cuts will ensure the pain that workers face will be a long, drawn out process, with wage cuts every…