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The voting process for the Singapore Airlines Collective Agreement 2017 has concluded. What was the result? There were a total of 246 ballots received. 207 in favour of the agreement, and 39 against the agreement. As a majority of employees voted in favour of the Agreement it must now be…
New global polling on rising inequality for workers shows Australian workers have the same fears and problems as their international counterparts. The global poll commissioned by the 181 million-member International Trade Union Confederation, shows globalisation is failing people with three in four in fear for their jobs and seeing a…
New data from the McKell Institute released today shows workers in 45 regional communities will lose $667 million each year from penalty rates cuts, with $289 million of this to leave these electorates altogether to line the pockets of corporations in the cities and overseas. The research shows that more…
This morning lawyers for Dnata wrote to the Fair Work Commission and withdrew the application for the AHSA EBA. This is a major victory not only for the entire Dnata workforce but for the entire aviation industry. This major win is testament to the strong collective rejection of the company’s…
Following today's decision by Dnata to withdraw the application for the dodgy AHSA EBA, the CEO has sent out a memo that has caused a lot of anger amongst Dnata staff. You can read the CEO's memo. It appears that Dnata are still going to utilise the new entity AHSA…
Tonight the Federal Government handed down a budget that entrenches inequality at the same time as rewarding corporations. The message from Canberra is clear: Don’t be poor. Don’t be unemployed. Don’t be vulnerable. This Budget attacks those in our community who need the most support. The proposed changes to welfare…
Aerocare agreement for some staff is now at the Fair Work Commission for approval. The Commission has to make sure the agreement complies with the Fair Work Act before the agreement can take effect. Most importantly the Commission makes sure it passes the better off overall test, and to do…
The ACTU welcomes the fantastic news today that Energy Australia has joined AGL and Engie to provide opportunities for retrenched Hazelwood (VIC) workers to continue working in the power industry as part of the Latrobe Valley Worker Transfer Scheme. The scheme is already in action, with workers from Hazelwood starting…
The NCR Field Service Enterprise Agreement 2017 expires on 14 July 2017. The ASU bargaining preparations are well underway with a bargaining survey attached to this bulletin. Please fill out the survey and return the survey as soon as possible. The surveys are a vital part of your input into…
As you are no doubt aware the ASU and your delegates are commencing bargaining for your current EBA which is due to expire in the coming months. It is extremely important for us to understand what issues are important to you this time around, especially with the threat of the…