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At a time when Australians are crying out for more investment in jobs and skills, Australia’s national carrier Qantas has decided to change provider for their frequent flyer loyalty program. This decision, made with the stroke of a pen by some highly paid Executive with a Sydney harbour view, means…
Your ASU representatives met with Virgin management on 30 January to kick off negotiations for the new Virgin Australia Ground Crew Agreement. We received a briefing from management on the state of the business and changes that are taking place as part of the Better Business program. Your delegates asked…
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) today welcomes Labor Leader Bill Shorten’s firm commitment to protecting the wages of millions of workers who sacrifice their weekends for the benefit of our economy. Employer groups have been on a relentless attack of weekend penalty rates, all in a bid to…
The ASU’s submission to the Senate inquiry into the Liberals’ proposed cuts to paid parental leave was released to the public last week. After the input of members and supporters late last year, our submission argues cuts to the existing paid parental leave scheme are unwarranted, and will mean that…
Workers who are on enterprise agreements are paid 25% more than workers on awards or the minimum wage, according to new biennial Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data. The latest data strongly confirms that unions are vital to ensuring working people get decent pay and conditions. The number of Australian…
Following extensive negotiations, conciliation in the Fair Work Commission and workplace action to reach a new Enterprise Agreement members finally have a document to vote on to protect your conditions at Fuji Xerox until 31 December 2019. The ASU believes that the package that has been arrived at delivers secure…
Following two telephone conferences since bargaining commenced between Thai Airways International Public Company Limited and the bargaining committee, THAI have notified staff about voting on a proposed Enterprise Agreement. A document summarising changes to a number of conditions including pay increases and performance pay was also distributed to staff. In…
Team members at Virgin now have the opportunity to negotiate a new enterprise agreement as the current agreement expires on 30 June 2017. The new agreement will deal with your wages and all conditions like rostering, sick leave and annual leave. Take the survey! We want to know what is…
We are pleased to advise that today the Fair Work Commission approved the ASU/ Qantas EBA 11. This is a day to celebrate again the achievements of ASU members in negotiating some ground breaking new conditions at Qantas. We believe that EBA 11 delivers some important improvements to ASU members:…
At the National Conference Dinner last night, Kerry Fairlie of the NSW & ACT (Services) Branch was announced as the ASU National Delegate of the Year 2016. It was awarded for her work as a delegate at House With No Steps (HWNS). This biennial award is a key event at…