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Today, 8 September 2016, is Equal Pay Day; a day to reflect on the unacceptable state of the gender pay gap and the fact that women in work are significantly worse off than men in Australia. September 8 is significant this year because it marks the point when women's earnings…
Now in its third year, Rail Careers Week aims to continue highlighting the many opportunities available in the rail industry as a place of employment and for career advancement. As a key union covering workers in the rail industry, the ASU encourages existing rail workers and potential entrants to the…
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement was finalised back in February, but individual national parliaments all need to vote up the deal before it can take effect, so we still have time to stop the TPP. We have many concerns, most particularly around the undermining of workers' rights and…
Since 1 January 2014 the Fair Work Commission (FWC) has been empowered to issue orders to employers to stop bullying that is happening in their workplaces. It may sound like a simple matter, but there are strict criteria that must be met before the FWC can determine bullying is actually…
Statement from Ged Kearney, President, ACTU: No Australian should be forced to live below the poverty line. For most people being unemployed is something they neither seek nor like to endure. But for many Australians, young and old, it is a harsh reality. Governments have a responsibility to help those…
Qantas has today announced a record profit of $1.53 billion, in no small part a result of the hard work and sacrifices made by ASU members and other staff. Cuts, restructures and redundancies have been the norm for years now and all the while ASU members across Australia have given…
A new report from the Inclusive Prosperity Commission exposes the inequality of the Turnbull’s Government’s obsession with trickle-down economics. The expert authors of the report "Inequality: The facts and figures" have found that rising inequality in Australia is having a destabilising effect on the economy. This report sits alongside global…
Today’s dual ABS releases on Average Weekly Earnings and the snapshot Labour Force data show that Australian workers continue to be affected by a two-pronged dampener on their living standards. The ABS data reveals: While the headline unemployment figure fell 0.1% to 5.7% in July, this masks the continuing disturbing…
The ACTU Executive has adopted a resolution authorising all means at the organisations disposal to be mobilised against the Turnbull Government’s racially discriminatory Community Development Program (CDP). The resolution will kick-start exploration of legal and legislative challenges to the program, as well as the mobilisation of campaign resources. The ACTU…
The ACTU, including Secretary Dave Oliver and Indigenous Officer Kara Keys, joined with affiliate unions and local Indigenous people in Darwin this morning to draw attention to the ongoing fight for wage justice for Indigenous Australians. The ACTU is in Darwin this week for its National Executive meeting as a…