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The impact on ordinary Australians of privatising essential public assets and services will be examined in a People’s Inquiry launched today by the global union Public Services International (PSI), of which the ASU is an affiliate. The People’s Inquiry into Privatisation will examine in detail community concerns, including those recently…
Yesterday the votes were counted in our protected action ballot and we are pleased to advise that ASU members at Maurice Blackburn and Zabulon have overwhelmingly voted in favour of each of the actions proposed on the ballot. This is a fantastic result and credit to all members and delegates…
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and unions are alarmed that the Federal Government intends to stop working people organising in their workplaces and accessing their unions. Minister for Employment Michaelia Cash has confirmed the Coalition will remove unions’ access to lunchrooms and place limits on visits to workplaces.…
The ASU recently lodged its submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into introducing greater competition into human services. This inquiry was set up by the Liberal Government just days ahead of the recent election. The ASU submission focusses on our concerns about the impact of increased competition and marketisation on…
World leaders will meet for the September G20 Summit in Hangzhou China as growth in the global economy contracts and the wage share of national income continues to fall. Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation said G20 leaders must support new principles on labour income share…
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton is today releasing a report – five months after he received it – that shows the Federal Government is dangerously negligent when it comes to controlling asbestos importation in Australia. The report from Swedish firm KGH Border Services highlights problems not only with staff resourcing in…
Since our last bulletin we have had 3 more meetings with the company – bringing our total meeting number to 11. Our last meeting was on 21st July 2016 in Sydney. We have had some productive discussions about the issue of part time capping, Jobshare, and flexible work agreements –…
2016 Enterprise agreement bargaining will commence soon Your Agreement expired 30 June and Thai Airways have indicated an intention to commence bargaining. If you are not a member of the ASU then your views may not be represented in bargaining. Help us prepare the ASU claim Your views are welcome…
Staff at Thai Airways now have the opportunity to negotiate a new EBA for 2016 Your Agreement has now expired and Thai Airways have indicated an intention to commence bargaining. The ASU is default bargaining representative for members and we are interested in knowing what you want for your new…
We’ve heard there might be some misinformation out there about your rights if you take protected industrial action – to make sure there is no confusion, here are the facts. Pay during periods of ‘stop-work’ If you engage in a ‘stop-work’ meeting or strike, Maurice Blackburn can only deduct wages…