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The possibility that the Malcolm Turnbull may yet cling to power shouldn’t hide the fact that the results of this election represent a massive repudiation of his Government’s destructive policies over the past three years. For more than 12 months, union members nationwide have campaigned for a restoration of funding…
Australian union members are continuing their campaign to protect Australia’s universal healthcare system by handing out one million replica Medicare cards to voters in major metropolitan areas and marginal electorates across the country. The million Medicare card drop comes as a new survey from the Doctors Reform Society of Australia…
The Turnbull Government has asked the Productivity Commission to investigate commercialising vital community services – a move that would divert scarce public funding away from supporting victims of domestic violence and homelessness services to shareholders of opportunistic businesses. In the days before the election was called, Treasurer Scott Morrison quietly…
The Turnbull Liberal Government has directed the Productivity Commission to prepare a plan to increase competition and privatisation in community services. Last Friday, the Productivity Commission called for submissions on which community services are fit to be commercialised and privatised. This could include any and all community services, including support…
The 2016 federal election is about priorities. Whether $50 billion of taxpayers’ money is best used on corporate tax cuts or on health, education and infrastructure investment. In this report we demystify the issues for our members and supporters so you can be well-informed at the ballot box. The ASU…
As part of our campaign to get a better enterprise bargaining deal at Maurice Blackburn, we are considering having a protected action ballot. Before we do this we are going to conduct a confidential survey of staff about what they are prepared to do to get a better deal. Here…
“Come back to the table when you agree” – that’s what the Maurice Blackburn negotiators told your national negotiating team at today’s EBA meeting. In meetings of members over the last couple of weeks across the country you have told us that The firm’s pay offer is not good enough…
Despite being the reason for calling a double dissolution election, the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) has been barely mentioned by the Liberal Government during the protracted election campaign, however the Union for local government, energy and water sector workers needs to alert the community that chaos may follow…
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) sees the introduction of an objective test to determine the definition of a casual employee as having a fundamentally positive impact on millions of Australian workers. In its submission to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into workplace relations in 2015, the ACTU specifically asked…
Public support for the Turnbull Government’s controversial PATH scheme has plummeted from 69% who supported it a month ago to only 42% who now believe it will create jobs, according to Essential polling conducted in the last week. The scheme, which makes unemployed people available to companies as free labour…