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Sliding living standards, wage stagnation for working people and rising wealth inequality will be big issues as the next Australian Federal Election approaches. Click here to read this on the AFTINET website While the election has not yet been officially called, the battle lines are being drawn on industrial relations.…
The Australian Council of Trade Unions today said urgent action was required to tackle corruption in the banking and finance sectors and tax avoidance by big companies. The ASU supports this call as we have been campaigning against unfair tax practices that put the burden of funding our society disproportionately…
Next week Malcolm Turnbull recalls Parliament to undermine your civil liberties: Australian workers currently have the right to remain silent when interrogated, but under the ABCC, that right and many others will be taken away. ASU members in local government, energy and perhaps others, will be captured by the "building…
At our meeting on Thursday 7 April 2016, Maurice Blackburn confirmed that they will not be releasing the bonus information to us that we have requested on terms we can agree to. We have no alternative but to relist the application to get this case back before the Fair Work…
Workers Compensation is there to provide payment for workers, injured, killed or becoming ill due to a work related incident. Virgin wants to change what happens when you are injured at work. If you are injured at work, you and your doctor make a decision to make a claim under…
Our third EBA meeting with Qantas on 30th March 2016 gave your National Negotiating Team (NNT) the opportunity to provide the company with more of our detailed claims. We talked about: Better duty travel and training provisions Improving staff travel Reclassifications Better rostering and the need for more staff We…
The Australian unions are calling for a $30 a week increase in the minimum wage to $686.90 per week or $18.08 per hour. In its submission to the Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review, the ACTU sees minimum wage levels which are still stubbornly low at 43.8 per cent of…
Around Australia this Easter weekend, millions will be taking a break and many will spend time with family and friends. Whether Easter itself means something religious or philosophical to you or not, everyone understands the importance of rest and spending time with loved ones. However, a very large number of…
The ACTU and unions welcome the findings of the Senate report into temporary working visas released last week, which suggests tightening up the scheme. Unions are especially supportive of measures that prevent local workers being replaced by 457 workers, and require employers taking on 457 visa workers, to also take…
The ASU lodged a submission to the ABCC Senate Inquiry into the Federal Bill to re-establish the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC). It is not widely known but the ABCC also touches large numbers of ASU members, so our concerns are very directly about advocating for our members’ rights.…