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In 2014 the ASU National Conference debated a number of issues around the misuse of 457 Visas and difficulties faced by 457 Visa holders in Australia. The ASU view was to monitor the use of 457 Visas in our areas of coverage and seek to increase scrutiny by authorities. Our…
Your ASU reps have now received Maurice Blackburn's log of claims ready for discussion at our next bargaining meeting with them on 7 and 8 December 2015 (download the full bulletin below to see the log of claims). We are yet to hear the detail of what exactly is proposed…
On Thursday 2 December 2015 your ASU representatives met with Mission Providence management to kick off negotiations for the new Mission Providence enterprise agreement. Management tabled their claims in the form of a whole new proposed agreement. We will need to do detailed analysis to identify all of the changes,…
Governments at the Paris climate summit are putting the future of climate action at risk by removing a commitment to human rights and "Just Transition" to a low carbon future from the mandate for action in the Summit's conclusions. ASU supporters with Twitter acounts are asked to lobby the Australian…
We are pleased to advise that the four ASU / dnata passenger services agreement for Qld, NSW, SA and Victoria were approved by the Fair Work Commission on Wednesday 2 December 2015. This follows the overwhelming support for the agreements from staff who voted to approve them last month. These…
The ACTU and ASU welcome the establishment of a review of not for profit superannuation governance. We are especially pleased that the review will be conducted by former RBA Governor, Bernie Fraser who is the public face of industry super in Australia and brings a deep understanding of the sector…
Business groups and civil society representing more than half a million people and a thousand businesses have backed the international trade union call for dialogue between workers, business, governments that will ensure a just transition to a zero carbon future. Click here to read this on the ITUC website The…
You will recall that your ASU representatives filed a dispute in the Fair Work Commission over the firm's refusal to provide relevant salary and wages information to the ASU. We attended a conference in the Fair Work Commission on Thursday 26 November. After two and a half months of refusing…
On 1 December 2015 the third annual pay increase for workers in the social, community and disability sector will be delivered that arises from the ASU's victory in the Equal Pay Case in 2012. We encourage workers in the sector to celebrate this hard won increase by gathering in your…
Australian Unions are deeply concerned with aspects of the recently signed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement (yet to be passed by Parliament), with an analysis of the text showing that Australia has negotiated the worst deal on safeguards for local jobs out of any of the 12 countries that are…