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Negotiations for a new Enterprise Agreement at Myer have been running for nearly a year. While talks about a new agreement have stalled there has been some progress on wages. Negotiations for a new Enterprise Agreement at Myer have been running for some time. While talks about a new agreement…
The ASU is recommending that you vote "NO" to the NEAMI agreement. Here are the reasons why: 1. Miniscule Wage Increases NEAMI is making only the minimum pay increases required to satisfy the Equal Remuneration Order (this means NEAMI gets increased funding, not all of which is passed on to…
Following ASU members endorsing the proposal for a new dnata Passenger Services Enterprise Agreement, we have been working with dnata to finalise the drafting of the Agreement. We can now advise you that the Agreement is about to be put out for a vote of employees. On Thursday 15 October…
Today the Senate defeated many of the unfair proposals in the Turnbull Government's Fair Work Amendment Bill, rejecting the prospect of more exploitation of the most vulnerable workers in our community. The Opposition, Greens and Cross Bench Senators successfully challenged and defeated the most unfair elements of the Bill including…
Australian Unions are meeting this week in Canberra for the 2015 ACTU Occupational Health Safety and Workers Compensation Conference to discuss how to tackle significant workplace safety issues and barriers. This comes as Safe Work Australia figures show there have been 126 workplace fatalities in Australia already this year (to…
Your ASU representatives prepared for and attended the first bargaining meeting on 7 October 2015. The purpose of the meeting was to kick off negotiations for a new enterprise agreement for staff at Maurice Blackburn. The meeting had been planned for weeks. Unfortunately, before the meeting could begin Maurice Blackburn…
In an incredible show of disregard for consultation processes, Virgin management have gone directly to airport employees and said - you have not worked enough hours for the money we have paid you, so now you can choose a new "5 on – 2 off" roster, or we can work…
A report released yesterday by Dr Joanna Howe of the University of Adelaide Law School, an expert in temporary labour migration, has vindicated the ASU and others' fears that the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) seriously risks access to jobs for the local workforce, as well as undermining Australian labour…
Pressure is on to speed up the PACER-Plus negotiations between Australia, NZ and 14 Pacific Island Countries. This is another in a line of secret trade agreements that promote the rights of corporations over people. AFTINET, Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, ACTU and Pacific Network for Globalisation (PANG), are holding a rally…
To coincide with the Senate Inquiry into the economic security of women in retirement, a problem of financial hardship that affects households all over Australia, the ASU has launched a survey seeking views from our members and supporters. We encourage you to complete the survey as it will assist us…