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On 25 September, the UN's new 2030 Agenda was adopted in the presence of the world's top leaders at a special session of the Annual General Assembly of the United Nations. This year also marks the 70th Anniversary of the UN, which lends additional momentum to this new global agenda…
The Productivity Commission's draft recommendations would increase inequality, drive down wages, strip workers of many rights and create a less prosperous Australia – they must be rejected by the Federal Government. Unions have lodged their submissions with the Productivity Commission with the ASU strongly defending the rights of vulnerable workers…
A report released this month has revealed the extent of tax avoidance undertaken by US-based oil giant, Chevron, on its largest global project – the Gorgon LNG project in Australia. Click here to read this on the PSI website Click here to read this on the ITF website The report,…
A rally in Melbourne today will be held in protest against employer groups' continued efforts to attack the wages of low paid workers. The ASU and unions argue that assaults on penalty rates don't just drive down the living standards of those who currently earn them, but will have adverse…
Paris, 15 September 2015 (ITUC OnLine): Laurent Fabius, the French Foreign Minister and incoming President of the UN climate talks COP21, addressed the Trade Union Climate Summit 80 days before the start of the climate talks in Paris. Click here to read this article on the ITUC website Speaking at…
ASU members at Maurice Blackburn have now endorsed our log of claims for our new Maurice Blackburn Enterprise Agreement. The ASU has now served the log of claims on the company so we are now ready to start bargaining. Our first meeting with the company reps is scheduled for the…
Over 65 delegates from across the Qantas Group were out in force at the recent ASU Qantas Group National Delegates' meeting in Melbourne on 25 and 26 August 2015 with delegates from all ports in attendance. Our meeting opened with 4 delegates from across the group participating in a delegates'…
ASU delegates from across Australia met in Sydney on 1st September to discuss what we know about the NDIS so far and to determine how ASU members can work together to make the NDIS the best it can be. After a welcome to country from a local Indigenous elder who…
ASU Jetstar delegates were out in force at the recent ASU Qantas Group National Delegates' meeting in Melbourne on 25 and 26 August 2015 with delegates from all ports in attendance. They joined 50 other delegates' from Qantas and other subsidiaries. There was a packed program of speakers and plenty…
This weekend – September 12 and 13 – thousands of union members, their neighbours, colleagues, friends and families will take part in a doorknock across more than twenty marginal federal electorates to talk about the issues that matter to them in lead up to the election. Workers' rights and jobs,…