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Rex put EBA to the vote

14 August 2015
ASU bargaining representatives have reached agreement with Rex Airlines management for an EBA to replace the 2013 Agreement. At the initial EBA meetings the ASU put forward the log of claims drafted from ASU members' feedback and endorsed by ASU members nationwide. After the many meetings with Rex Management the…
The Federal Government has again shown it is beholden to ideology instead of the discipline of good government by trying to wind back the clock on industrial relations and talk up the shameful strategy of text messages in the middle of the night advising waterfront workers they have been sacked,…
Malaysia Airlines Systems (MAS) still cannot answer how MAS will operate in Australian when it mutates into Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB) in just over two weeks' time. The ASU continues to pursue Malaysia Airlines for answers on its structure post 1 September 2015 and so the ASU has re-activated our…
The ACTU will pursue its claim to make paid domestic violence leave a workplace right in the Fair Work Commission today. The ACTU is pushing to make 10 days paid domestic violence leave for employees an award condition, which would benefit more than six million Australian workers. Having access to…

AaE EBA approved

05 August 2015
The ASU AaE EBA was approved by the Fair Work Commission on 29 July 2015 and so comes into operation on 5 August 2015. Under the agreement a pay rise was due the first pay period on or after 1 July 2015. As yet we have not been able to…
Unions have always said the Productivity Commission Inquiry was called by the Abbott Government in order to cut penalty rates, the minimum wage and rights at work – the interim report released yesterday confirms that. Penalty Rates to be cut The report calls for a two-tiered workplace system with Sunday…
After over a year of negotiations with dnata (and before that Toll dnata), your ASU National Negotiating Team now believe we have an offer from the company we can recommend to members for new Passenger Services Agreements in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. The ASU sought assistance of the Fair…
ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver led a rally outside the office of Corangamite MP Sarah Henderson today calling for her to take action to protect penalty rates for thousands of workers in the Geelong, Colac and Surf Coast regions. Unions have written to Ms Henderson asking her to come out publicly…
The Federal Government’s proposed changes to the governance of superannuation funds will undermine Australia’s high preforming Industry Super Funds and could see millions of Australians retire with less in their super. The ACTU submission on the Treasury Department’s Reforms to Superannuation Governance exposure draft outlines the threat to Industry Super…
Thanks to all the staff across Australia who have filled out the ASU Maurice Blackburn EBA survey. The results are now in and shortly we will be holding meetings of members across the country to endorse the log of claims that your ASU delegates are recommending arising from the survey.…