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The Australian Services Union along with the ACTU and other unions are opposing a number of aspects of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA). The Agreement is yet to be passed by the Australian Parliament, although it has already been signed by the Federal Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew…
It's time to tell the Productivity Commission what you think of their recommendations about cutting your rights at work. Recently the Commission issued a Draft Report as part of its Inquiry into workplaces and as we expected, they followed the Federal Government's script on cutting penalty rates, freezing the minimum…
The ASU has been very concerned by reports in the media over the last week about the Federal Government missing a 31 August deadline to sign off on NDIS enabling agreements across the country. On Friday the media also reported that all NDIS Board positions were advertised that day, nine…
Equal Pay Day today acknowledges the 65 extra days the average Australian woman works each year to earn the same wages as a man. The ASU and unions in general argue this is not good enough and our Federal Government is failing to address this serious issue. The ACTU calls…
Self-regulation does not work, so a change in culture and approach is needed to avoid the anxiety and depression lawyers suffer. First published in the Law Institute Journal, September 2015 We know long working hours and heavy workloads increase the likelihood of mental illness. It is time for law firms…
Last week the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission handed down their decision to include accident make-up pay in modern awards where predecessor awards had contained the provision. This decision means that thousands of workers will continue to have their wages supplemented by their employer for a specified time…
Australian Unions welcome the opportunity for a genuine policy debate on Australia's productivity, economic growth, tax system and retirement incomes at the National Reform Summit in Sydney today. We need a long term plan for inclusive growth and prosperity that is supported by government, unions, business and community groups. Australia…
The ASU has been advised that all Malaysian Airline System Berhad employees will be transferred to the new company Malaysia Airlines Berhad on 1 September 2015. The company says that everyone's terms and conditions of employment will stay the same, however it is very important that you do not sign…
Yesterday it was reported that HESTA, the industry superannuation fund dedicated to workers in health and community services, sold its Transfield Services shares. The ASU supports this decision by HESTA, which represents many of our members in the social and community services sector, as the Union has been lobbying for…
The Senate's decision to reject the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) and Registered Organisations bills is a win for the rights at work of millions of Australians. These proposed laws are a key part of the Federal Government's agenda to weaken unions and attack our rights at work. Since…