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We met with Maurice Blackburn management on 23rd November 2015 and it was one of the shortest meetings ever. In an unorthodox move for the second EBA meeting the firm just wanted to talk about why we are claiming a 5% per year pay rise, they did not want to…
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women or White Ribbon Day is marked each year on 25 November (this Wednesday in 2015). The ASU and a large variety of organisations worldwide participate in awareness raising activities to promote the message that violence against women is not on.…
G20 leaders at the Antalya Summit have acknowledged that reducing inequality, creating jobs and ensuring inclusion are essential to generate a stable economy. The summit took place in the shadow of terrorism, the flight of refugees from fear and the threat of further economic crisis. Click here to read this…
The ASU stands in solidarity with victims of terror attacks around the world. The events in Paris a few days ago have highlighted the barbarity of such attacks and their unconscionable impact on innocent people going about their daily lives. As part of a movement based on collective action, we…
A group of Australian public sector trade unions including the ASU have welcomed a new report, released in Europe overnight, which highlights the need for governments around the globe to urgently address international corporate tax system loopholes. The Australian Services Union (ASU), NSW Nurses and Midwives' Association (NSWNMA), Community and…
Your ASU National Negotiating Team (NNT) finally had a meeting with the Company's representatives on 9th November 2015 which saw the start of bargaining. The ASU previously served our log of claims on the Company on 14th September 2015 and at this meeting we presented comprehensive written proposals on each…
Hopes for the Paris Climate Summit in December to capture one of the three topline union demands have received a boost this week, with the UN's International Labour Organisation formally adopting criteria for realizing the 'Just Transition' principle. Click here to read this item on the ITUC website The decision…
The ASU is pleased to confirm that all four ASU- dnata Passenger Services EBAs in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney have been overwhelmingly supported by staff in the recent votes conducted in accordance with the Fair Work Act. Each port had a significant turnout of voters and below is the…
TPP text shows some impacts from community campaigns, but still favours corporate rights over citizens and communities. Click here to read this on the AFTINET website “Preliminary analysis of the thousands of pages of the main chapters of the TPP text show that community campaigns pressured governments to resist some…
You'd be forgiven for feeling duped by this Federal Government. The Australian Services Union well remembers Tony Abbott's Paid Parental Leave (PPL) election promise in 2013 because we predicted it wouldn't be delivered. We weren't happy to be proven right because the welfare of future generations is at stake. What…