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Australian Unions will today launch a campaign to 'Save Our Weekend' and protect penalty rates for thousands of workers in the Geelong, Colac and Surf Coast regions. Around 100 people will gather at the Geelong Trades Hall Council to launch the campaign. >> Show your support for weekend rates by…
In all the talk of age pensions, political deals and savings measures, we often forget the group in our society most negatively affected by cuts to safety nets: our women. Click here to read this article on Working Life It is no news that women struggle to gather enough savings…
The Senate inquiry into temporary work visas is holding its final sitting in Canberra today concluding weeks of hearings shedding light on Australia's issue-riddled work visa system. The evidence is clear: the Abbott Government must fix this broken system. The Senate inquiry has previously held hearings in Brisbane, Sydney, Perth…
Take action today by signing the petition asking Social Services Minister Scott Morrison to invest in quality community services instead of cutting funding. >> Sign the petition to stop cuts to community services The petition tells Isabella's story of how Federal funding cuts have affected her ability to access…
Unions call for a public registry of labour hire companies, a rigorous licensing system and a banning of rogue operators to protect hundreds of thousands of workers. The Fair Work Act must also be amended to recognise that both labour hire operator and host employers have a role in observing…
Yesterday, the ASU National Executive reasserted the Union's support for marriage equality by calling on the upcoming ALP National Conference to support a binding vote in favour of same sex marriage to remedy this final legal constraint on the equality of all Australians. Full equality before the law is a…
AaE staff have voted overwhelmingly to endorse the ASU EBA deal negotiated and recommended by the ASU's AaE National Negotiating Team. In a significant turnout of eligible staff (75% of voters) 98% of these staff voted in favour of the Agreement. A big thank you must go to our hard…
The ASU has welcomed the release of a new Australian report which confirms the need for increased support for early childhood education. The findings of the McKell Institute report are broadly consistent with the views put forward by the ASU in a recent Productivity Commission Inquiry into early childhood education.…
Last Friday 2 July 2015 Qantas group CEO Alan Joyce announced that "In recognition, management has decided to offer a one-off 5 per cent bonus payment for all Qantas, Jetstar and other Group employees covered by finalised enterprise/collective agreements (EBAs) that include the 18 month wage freeze." This bonus is…
This edition contains a summary of blog items published by Greg McLean in the previous calendar month. Items cover the areas of local government, energy and water, rail and public transport, international news including trade agreements, privatisation and general public sector matters The articles all relate to the blog of…