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Australian unions have long called for an increase in child care assistance and funding but it should not come at the expense of overall support to families. The Abbott Government is forcing an impossible choice upon Australian families by linking new investment in child care with extreme cuts to paid…
Late on Monday 4th May 2015 Dnata sent out a communication to all staff seeking expressions of interest to participate in a range of programs to reduce costs and restructure. Your ASU delegates had an EBA meeting scheduled with the company on 5th May 2015 and we immediately raised the…
Years of moderate increases to the minimum wage mean low incomes earners are all but shut out of the housing market. The ACTU lodged a submission to the FWC on March 27 calling for a wage increase for Australia's lowest paid including cleaners, retail and hospitality staff, child care workers,…
The following resources relate the Private Sector and SACS areas and may include ASU and non-union EBAs, as well as current and expired agreements. Resources for Airlines are on a separate page here: These resources are managed by the National Private Sector and SACS Team. If you have any…
This edition contains a summary of blog items published by Greg McLean in the previous calendar month. Items cover the areas of local government, energy and water, rail and public transport, international news including trade agreements, privatisation and general public sector matters The articles all relate to the blog of…
Unions are calling on the Abbott and Barnett Governments to reinstate funding for Aboriginal services, and end the forcible closures of Aboriginal communities in Western Australia. The ACTU leadership has written to the Prime Minister to stop de-funding Indigenous programs, and the Premier to reverse his decision to potentially close…
Occupational cancers kill at a rate of more than once a minute worldwide, according to a comprehensive review of the available evidence by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). Click here to read this on the ITUC website The global union body, speaking out ahead of the 28 April International…
The Australian Services Union Victoria, Private Sector Branch has welcomed an agreement that has been reached between the State Government, Jetstar and Avalon Airport that ensures the airline will continue to operate services from the airport for the next 10 years. The new 10 year agreement will see the number…
Every year on 28 April, people around the world mark International Workers' Memorial Day. It's a time to remember those who have not returned home due to work-related deaths, those who have been injured or made ill as a result of work and, importantly, to remember that we have to…
Company Directors would be made personally liable for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) fines resulting from workplace death, even if they restructure their business to avoid payment. The ACTU calls on the government to strengthen national OHS laws and make directors personally fined and/or jailed for up to 20 years…