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World Water Day 2015

22 March 2015
On 22 March 2015, World Water Day, PSI calls on water justice activists around the world to continue fighting for public and community control of water and sanitation services, to battle the contamination of watersheds, resist water grabs and demand water justice for all. Click here to read this on…
With the deadline for the Annual Wage Review this Friday, ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver has called on employers to lodge a submission based on facts, not anecdotes. “The ACTU is preparing to lodge its submission to increase the minimum wage,” said Mr Oliver. “Minimum wages are effective in boosting pay…
Unions have always said the Productivity Commission inquiry into workplace relations was a Trojan horse to bring back WorkChoices and big business is providing the proof in their submissions. Business Council of Australia (BCA) The Business Council of Australia (BCA) submission aims to cut people's penalty rates and wages, make…

Time for AaE to focus

19 March 2015
We met with AaE management in Sydney on 17th March 2015 and unfortunately it seems they are still trying to sort out their position on a range of EBA issues not the least of which is when the pay freeze applies from for AaE ASU EBA covered staff. On the…
Shared services between the public and private sector, "Public Private Partnerships" (PPPs), or leasing or selling public services or assets to the private sector – these are all different names for privatisation in Australia. Under the title of PPPs, a new international report released today adds to the steadily growing…
ACTU President Ged Kearney will detail three key changes to Australia's workplace laws that unions will call for under the Productivity Commission inquiry into workplace relations at a National Press Club debate in Canberra today. Ms Kearney will debate Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry CEO Kate Carnell at 12.30pm…
It's been an endurance event, but after lengthy negotiations we finally have an agreement which ASU members have endorsed in meetings across Australia. The proposed EBA provides a number of significant improvements in some important terms and conditions of our work. As ASU members now endorse the EBA we encourage…
Be in no doubt that the Federal Government's full scale Productivity Commission Inquiry into Australian workplaces will be a megaphone for big business. They will be loudly making the case for winding back our rights at work: from removing unfair dismissal protections, cutting wages, bringing back individual contracts, attacking penalty…
In 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, referred to as the "the most progressive blueprint ever for advancing women's rights" was produced. However, 20 years later and progress towards the goals unanimously accepted by the representatives of 189 governments has not…
This edition contains a summary of blog items published by Greg McLean in the previous calendar month. Items cover the areas of local government, energy and water, rail and public transport, international news including trade agreements, privatisation and general public sector matters The articles all relate to the blog of…