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Employer groups are using tricky legal tactics to avoid new workplace protections for domestic violence leave and family friendly work arrangements which will increase women's workforce participation. The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Housing Industry Association (HIA), Australia Industry Group (AIG) and National Farmers Federation (NFF) lodged responses…
Business is being disingenuous over claims a $27 increase would force employers to cut hours and lead to job losses. Such claims don't stack up beside current optimism in the economic outlook with forecasters (RBA/IMF/OECD)* expecting growth this year to be better than last year, and next year to be…
The ACTU's call for a $27 per week increase to the minimum wage will deliver a $3.1 billion per year economic stimulus. In contrast, calls by employer groups for as little as $5.70 per week increase amounts to a real wage cut for Australia's lowest paid workers when taking into…
We are pleased to advise that the Fair Work Commission approved ASU / Jetstar EBA 5 on 21st April 2015. EBA 5 delivers some important improvements to ASU members: 30 month EBA expiring on 30th September 2017. 3 % p.a. from first pay period on or after 1 April 2015,…
The ASU AaE National negotiating team met on 21st April 2015 with the management representatives for our 7th meeting and we are now pleased to advise that your AaE ASU delegates have a deal that they can recommend to ASU members for the settlement of the current EBA round. After…
Australian Unions are deeply concerned by the Federal Government's decision to scrap a successful twenty year partnership between employers and unions on vocational education and training (VET). Industry Skills Councils have been one of the key strengths of Australia's vocational education and training system and the source of much of…
Public service trade unions and the Global Alliance for Tax Justice invite members to join in marching this May Day under the banner "Working people pay taxes – corporations must pay their share!" Click here to read this on the PSI website with links to further resources Following the Tax…
A coalition of civil society groups and unions around the world has organised a global day of action on 18 April to demonstrate against the negotiation of harmful trade agreements. PSI endorses this day of action and encourages affiliates to participate. Click here to read this on the PSI website…
Australian Unions call for the Federal Government to stop negotiations on the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. A public forum at NSW Parliament House today will discuss details from leaked documents confirming proposals that could result in higher medicine prices and special rights for foreign companies to sue government…
This edition contains a summary of blog items published by Greg McLean in the previous calendar month. Items cover the areas of local government, energy and water, rail and public transport, international news including trade agreements, privatisation and general public sector matters The articles all relate to the blog of…