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On Wednesday 3 June 2015 your ASU representatives met with helloworld representatives to kick of negotiations for your new enterprise agreement. We presented management with the ASU log of claims – the document setting out the improvements we want to your current working conditions. In particular we told management that…
This edition contains a summary of blog items published by Greg McLean in the previous calendar month. Items cover the areas of local government, energy and water, rail and public transport, international news including trade agreements, privatisation and general public sector matters. The articles all relate to the blog of…
Your ASU national negotiating team have been meeting with the company to try and finalise a deal. With 4 EBAs with different finish dates and different conditions and rates it is not a simple task – there are changes that you have told us you want to the EBAs to…
Australia’s 1.86 million lowest paid workers will receive a $16 increase to their weekly pay packets following the Fair Work Commission’s decision in the annual wage case today. This increase is not enough to close the growing gap between average and minimum wages that is putting enormous pressure on our…
After participating in workplace meetings across Australia, ASU members at have overwhelmingly voted to endorse the ASU AaE EBA deal negotiated and recommended by the ASU's AaE National Negotiating Team. The ASU has advised AaE /Qantas management of these results. We are just finalising the drafting of the new EBA…
Australia's 1.86 million lowest paid workers will receive a $16 increase to their weekly pay packets following the Fair Work Commission's decision in the annual wage case today. This increase is not enough to close the growing gap between average and minimum wages that is putting enormous pressure on our…
Australian unions have concluded the ACTU Congress 2015 invigorated by a new Union Charter and campaign plan to protect workers' rights and living standards. Over the past three days around a thousand union delegates from around the country have debated and voted on the policies that will shape the union…
The ASU has spent the last two weeks in negotiations with Mission Australia and Mission Providence to try and make the transfer arrangements for employees moving to Mission Providence fairer. This morning, Mission Providence confirmed that it would be reissuing employees with amended contracts of employment. This will deal with…

ASU wins more time

15 May 2015
The ASU represented members in the Fair Work Commission this afternoon in disputes against both Mission Australia and Mission Providence. We argued: 5 days is too short for employees to make decisions about their future; Employees don't have enough information to make a decision (you haven't even been provided job…
Tonight ASU officials and staff have been on standby in Canberra to analyse the Federal Budget and give you a rapid overview of how the Budget will affect ASU members - our work, our lives, our communities. While it will take a bit longer to digest all of the fine…