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Prominent health academics show that the Trans Pacific Partnership poses a risk to health in areas such as the provision of affordable medicines, tobacco, alcohol policies and nutritional labelling, reveals a report released last night in Australia. Click here to read this on the PSI website This report confirms Public…

ASU election year 2015

03 March 2015
All elected positions in the ASU are up for re-election this year. This attachment shows every position in every Branch that is to be elected together with details on how to nominate for the various offices. Nominations open on Wednesday 4 March and close at 12 noon on Wednesday 25…
Thousands of concerned Australians will be marching tomorrow Wednesday 4 March in support of our rights at work, defending Medicare, for affordable university degrees, fairness for the vulnerable and numerous other reasons. What will you #March4 with the ASU as we participate in the rallies across the country? We're urging…
The Federal Government's brazenly ideological attacks on workers suffered a humiliating setback yesterday when the Senate voted down the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill. ASU members played a huge part in this by lobbying cross bench senators through out 2014 and 2015 - we thank you for your actions…
Unions have ensured that thousands of Australians suffering from asbestos related diseases will continue to be properly compensated, said the ACTU. After campaigning by unions and asbestos victim support groups, the NSW government has agreed to lend the Asbestos Injuries Compensation Fund an extra $104 million to cover a shortfall…
Today, ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver backed calls by the Federal Opposition to tighten laws relating to corporate tax avoidance. The Labor Opposition announced that if it won office it would stop multinationals from using overseas tax havens to avoid paying their fair share of tax in Australia, while at the…
Your ASU National negotiating team met with AaE management in Sydney on 26th February 2015 for our 4th meeting and despite promises that the company would be ready to talk seriously about your agreement we had just another meeting going over old ground about our claims with little response or…
A breakthrough has been made at the International Labour Organization following two years during which employers at the International Labour Organization brought the UN body's global supervisory system to a standstill, in an attempt to eliminate decades of ILO jurisprudence supporting the right to strike. Click here to read this…
After a marathon 18 months of negotiations for a new Jetstar ASU EBA5 your ASU National Negotiating Team (NNT) is pleased to advise that we finally have an offer for settlement of our EBA which we can recommend to our ASU members for their approval. As members know our Jetstar…
Yesterday in Sydney the ASU along with Unions NSW and other unions held a round table discussion with the Senate Committee examining the Federal Government proposal to offer state governments an incentive payment to privatise state owned assets. The Government proposal is highly controversial as it will see state governments…