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Unions will take legal action to block any application to the Supreme Court to have asbestos victims paid compensation in instalments. In a unanimous vote, the ACTU Executive committed to the action in response to a shortfall in the Asbestos Injuries Compensation Fund (AICF) set up to compensate asbestos sufferers.…
The ASU has some concerns about the possible impacts of a review of library qualifications and has met with the relevant industry skills council, Innovation and Business Skills Australia (IBSA), to discuss them. As a result of our concerns, we are running a survey of all employees who work in…
As ASU social and community services workers approach their bi-annual equal pay increase on 1 December, a new study showing Australian women are paid almost 25 per cent less than men who perform the same work highlights the need for comprehensive government action to close the gender pay gap and…
Over the last 15 years, more than 180 cities and communities in 35 countries have taken back control of their water services, a new study reveals. First published 13 November 2014 on the Public Services International (PSI) website A new report called "Here to stay: Water remunicipalisation as a global…
Ever since Qantas announced the creation of a new Qantas international entity when they announced the company results, Qantas unions have been seeking clarification about whether the new company would be an employing entity and whether it would affect the terms and conditions of existing employees' working in the Qantas…
The ITUC is calling for a new international Convention on gender-based violence at the workplace, as the world observes the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women today. Click here to read this story on the ITUC website The Governing Body of the International Labour Organization – made…
Last night, the winner of the ASU National Delegate of the Year 2014 was announced at the Conference Dinner as one of the key events of the Program. It was awarded to Aaron De La Torre of the Victorian & Tasmanian Authorities & Services Branch for his work at Qantas…
Today at the Punt Road Oval in Melbourne, the ASU National Conference 2014 opened with a welcome from Richmond Football Club CEO Brendon Gale to the historic sporting precinct. With National President Russell Atwood chairing the proceedings, National Secretary David Smith focussed the attention of delegates on the future and…

AaE EBA negotiations begin

17 November 2014
The ASU AaE national negotiating team (NNT) have now had 2 meetings with Qantas management about the replacement of our current enterprise agreement (EBA). Our meetings were held on 20th October and 12th November 2014. Our claim for this EBA was endorsed by members and it has been served on…
Brisbane 16 November 2014: The 2 per cent extra economic growth target heralded as the major outcome of the G20 Brisbane Summit will struggle to be met as it was not accompanied by any plan to stimulate demand through higher wages and quality job creation, warned the Labour 20. With…