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Australia needs to get serious about tackling insecure work if we are to address rising poverty and inequality, Australian Unions say. ACTU President Ged Kearney said that 40% of the Australian workforce is employed in insecure work and 25% of all employees have pay that varies from one pay period…
ASU delegates Alisha Hill and Jose Bejarano from Sydney and Deirdre Costa, Shijo Thomas and Maria Scafi from Melbourne, along with ASU officials and the Sydney bargaining representatives met again yesterday with Toll Dnata to continue negotiations for your new EBA. We waited 8 weeks for yesterday's meeting because we…
The G20 leaders meeting is taking place on 15-16 November 2014 in Brisbane, Australia. PSI will be attending to advocate for quality public services. Public Services International (PSI) has been following G20 progress this year, especially in relation to the work the OECD is doing on behalf of the G20…
ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow has urged the heads of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, whose annual meetings take place in Washington this weekend (10-12 October), to champion a coordinated wage- and public investment-led recovery strategy that addresses the combined problems of deficient aggregate demand and rising…
In a petition released today, Australians are giving voice to their frustration with the national carrier which recently announced it was reneging on its promise made in May this year to not offshore more call centre jobs. The petition calls on Joyce and the Board to immediately reverse this…
The Unions met with Toll Dnata management on 7 October 2014 to review a draft document and to see how many issues we were still apart on. We were also hoping to receive a pay offer at this meeting. Whilst there has been some movement in relation to various provisions…
This new report on trade, written by Ellen Gould, was launched by PSI and Our World is not For Sale (OWINFS) at a Global Trade Summit in Washington DC on 15-17 September 2014. Click here to read this on the PSI website Highly secretive talks began in 2012 to establish…
Unions are pushing to give more than two million casual workers in Australia the right to become permanent employees. In making the announcement on World Day for Decent Work, ACTU President Ged Kearney said it was unfair that many casuals work regular shifts and rosters but miss out on important…
Fiji's Commodore Frank Bainimarama, reinstalled as Prime Minister following a deeply flawed election last month, is set to allow an ILO mission into the country to probe labour rights violations. A 2012 ILO mission was expelled from the country when its members refused to allow the authorities to dictate how…
Australian-first research reveals 29% of Australia's 200 largest listed companies pay an effective corporate tax rate of 10% or less. The ground breaking report Who Pays for Our Common Wealth? Tax Practices of the ASX 200 examines taxes paid over the last decade by the top 200 companies on the…