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The ACTU urges all levels of Government to act on the findings of the Royal Commission into the Home Insulation Program to ensure the failings that led to workplace deaths are never repeated. ACTU Assistant Secretary Michael Borowick said it was essential that reforms are put in place to ensure…
This edition contains a summary of blog items published by Greg McLean in the previous calendar month. Items cover the areas of local government, energy and water, rail and public transport, international news including trade agreements, privatisation and general public sector matters. The articles all relate to the blog of…
Working Life is a news source for all workers, bringing you a range of stories. Read it, print it, share it! The latest edition includes the following: Lockouts on the rise from militant bosses; When the mega-rich speak, does that mean we have to listen; Shipbuilding journeys cross through the generations;…
Tony Abbott is trying to rush through laws that introduce new unfair individual contracts that cut take home pay, give more power to employers in bargaining and make it harder for workers to access their union. But to do all this he needs the crucial votes of at least six…
During the EBA negotiations that were held yesterday (Wednesday 28 August) mediated by the Fair Work Commission Emirates said that the EBA that was previously overwhelmingly rejected by employees would again be issued for voting on, from Friday 5 September till Thursday 11 September. The ASU/ALAEA again advise members to…
After months and months of seeing long serving loyal colleagues leave the Qantas Group because of the mismanagement of the CEO and the Qantas Board, today's news of a record statutory $2.8 billion loss at Qantas is still a shock. Many ASU members have expressed their dismay at what has…
ASU MEDIA RELEASE: The unprecedented Qantas statutory loss of $2.8 billion announced today means one thing – it is time for Qantas CEO Alan Joyce and the Qantas Board to resign or be sacked by Qantas shareholders says the Australian Services Union (ASU), the largest union in Qantas and the…
As one of the oldest unions operating in the rail industry, the ASU supports Rail Careers Week as a way to promote the industry to a new generation of potential rail workers. The ASU has always been a strong supporter of career development and building employment in the railway industry…
On 18th August 2014 ASU delegates and officials met with Virgin Australia airport and contact centre management for one of our regular meetings to talk about the implementation of our Agreement and about issues that have been in progress since our last meeting – here is a summary of what…
The ASU and FSU, through a joint submission to the Senate Inquiry into Australia's Innovation System, have urged the creation of a services sector plan to ensure Australia can have a strategic approach to skills and business development in the sector. With offshoring decimating local service provision, we cannot expect…