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Working Life is a news source for all workers, bringing you a range of stories. Read it, print it, share it! The latest edition includes the following: Weekend rates make all the difference; Because of my union, I now have a voice; Textile workers' entitlements' left high and dry once…
The ASU recently lodged a submission into the Senate Inquiry examining the Abbott Government's proposed income test freeze for the calculation of Child Care Benefit. We are objecting to the freeze on the basis that it will adversely affect the vulnerable most, including low income families and those with children…
The ASU/ALAEA and bargaining representatives met with Emirates management on Wednesday 23rd July and Thursday 24th July for EBA negotiations. This was the first meeting since Emirates employees had comprehensively rejected the Emirates proposed EBA with a 74.25% NO vote. What do the ASU/ALAEA want? The ASU/ALAEA want to get…
The Human Rights Commission's report into pregnancy and return to work highlights the need for the Government to strengthen workplace laws to stop discrimination against women at work. "The ACTU and unions requested this review because growing numbers of our members tell us they are being discriminated against at work…
UNI General Secretary Philip Jennings has told the Financial Times that higher wages are key to global growth. Click here to read this item on the UNI website Responding to news that Germany's Bundesbank has backed unions to bargain for higher wages (see further news item below), Jennings called on…
For the first time, "job security" has been enshrined as a core objective of the Award covering more than 50,000 local government workers across New South Wales. The new Award was finalised by the NSW Industrial Relations Commission after being overwhelmingly endorsed by council employees, with 300 mass meetings held…
The ACTU launched its first Reconciliation Action Plan at the organisation's NAIDOC celebrations at the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre in Melbourne last night. "Launching the Reconciliation Action Plan was a wonderful way for us to come together and celebrate the contributions that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples make to…
Any move to extend subsidised childcare rebates to people who use in-home care must be paid for with additional funding to the early childhood sector, unions said today. "Unions support a childcare system that is high quality, well regulated and puts the wellbeing of children first," said ACTU President Ged…
This week, amidst hectic political manoeuvrings over various Abbott Government proposals, the Senate saw through its privatisation push, amending their bill substantially. It is a start at stopping the states and territories being economically blackmailed to privatise their assets with a 15% bonus - well done Senators for seeing through…
We have some welcome news. Late last night the Abbott Government backed down from their push to open up foreign ownership of Qantas by repealing the Qantas Sale Act. There was no support in the Senate for amendments that could have seen thousands of jobs offshored. This is your win.…