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From the south to the north, Public Services International affiliate unions are working together across borders to end tax havens, tax avoidance and corruption, and to bring in progressive tax systems that are properly resourced and enforced. Tax justice enables public spending for the common good, and provides the means…
In what can only now be seen as a sham consultation process, the Federal Government has been encouraged by the Senate Economics Committee to ignore concerns raised by numerous stakeholders and experts in the financial services industry and finance journalism that the Future of Financial Advice (FoFA) consumer protection laws…
ASU delegates and officials met Qantas Telephone Sales Management again in Melbourne on 17th June 2014 to follow up on our discussions since the announcement of the closure of the Melbourne and Brisbane Centres on 28th May 2014. We discussed a range of issues including: Relocation assistance packages – Hobart,…
Wikileaks today released secret draft text from the Trades in Services Agreement negotiations that confirms the concerns first raised by the global trade union Public Services International in the recent ground-breaking report 'TISA versus Public Services'. Click here to read this article on the PSI website Wikileaks today released secret…
The campaign to protect penalty rates kicked up a gear today with the release of new ACTU research, 'One out – The Abbott Government and the return of unfair individual contracts' which outlines how the Abbott Government's proposed Industrial Relations legislation robs workers of their penalty rates alongside other workplace…
The Emirates EBA vote has been counted with 25.75% of the employees who voted voting YES and 74.25% of employees voting NO. 79% of staff who were eligible to vote cast a vote so this is an overwhelming result. The Agreement proposed by Emirates has been rejected and the ASU/ALAEA…
Local government councils across the country have expressed their alarm at the Federal Government's intention to cut funding to their sector. Their peak body, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), yesterday published the resolution of their National General Assembly calling for the Government to reverse their decision. The concerns mirror…
The ASU advocates for its members in the child care sector and values their work all year round, but Child Care Week 16 to 20 June 2014 allows a special focus on the importance of the work the sector does. With various inquiries into the child care sector ongoing at…
Access, opportunity and investment are the real issues behind youth unemployment, not apathy, said the ACTU. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver called on the Abbott Government to remove their blinkers and genuinely consider the issues around unemployment as rates for under-25s reach three times the level for those over. "Current rhetoric…
Unions and business unite to applaud a historic moment as a new legally binding protocol on forced labour is overwhelmingly voted for at the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva. Kate Carnell, ACCI CEO, said that she was pleased there was such a high level of support for…