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Were you born on or after 1 July 1958? If so, the Federal Government's proposed changes to the pension age will affect you. Whilst the focus on this proposed change in the recent Federal Budget has been on the pension age rising to 70 for everyone born on or after…
This edition contains the following items: Senators grill Government about local government cuts; Push for reform as parents pay more for early childhood education and care; E-OZ and asbestos e-learning package; Local Resilience to Climate Change - Australia; Councils counting the cost of Budget decisions; Public Infrastructure: completion of inquiry;…
The ballot to vote on the Enterprise Agreement put forward by Emirates management will commence on Monday 9th June and close on Sunday 15th June. The ASU and the ALAEA advise our members to vote NO. [Download the full bulletin below]    Emirates Bulletin, 2 June 2014
Over the last month or so we have been collecting responses to our survey on what Startrack employees want from the new Enterprise Agreement. Thank you to those employees who contributed. Download the full bulletin below    StarTrack Bulletin, 2 June 2014  
ASU Qantas Telephone Sales delegates held a marathon meeting with Qantas management in Melbourne on 29th May 2014 to discuss the decision to close the Melbourne and Brisbane Telephone Sales Centres and "consolidate" in Hobart. Your delegates were determined to leave no stone unturned in our discussions with Qantas as…
Unions are concerned that up to 350,000 Australian workers are searching for jobs in the very occupations where employers are continuing to use 457 visa workers. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said rates of unemployment and underemployment were rising in industries where bosses argue they can't find local workers. "Nurse graduates,…
In order to stand up for the rights of future workers in the Federal Government's Green Army, the ASU has lodged a submission with the Senate's Inquiry. The Green Army is the Federal Government's work for the dole scheme connected to environmental concerns and issues. As proposed, many of the…
In a completely unbelievable move Qantas management have today announced to staff that they plan to close 2 of their 3 Australian based Qantas Telephone Sales centres in Brisbane and Melbourne in 6 – 9 months' time, shedding approximately 540 jobs while they will maintain 6 offshore Qantas / Jetstar…
The possible abolition of Australia's Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency will put lives in danger, unions warn. ACTU Assistant Secretary Michael Borowick called on the Abbott Government to stick to its pre-election commitment and continue supporting the agency including ensuring it is adequately funded into the future. "Demonstrating that the…
In a poll taken at the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Congress in Berlin, Germany, 90% of the voters overwhelmingly rejected the Trans Pacific Partnership free trade deal, supporting the statement that “the TPP should not go ahead and must be scrapped.” Only 10% of the voters agreed that “The…