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Older workers are bearing the brunt of harsh, unfair and ill thought out policies that will erode the retirement security of low and middle income earners. ACTU Assistant Secretary Tim Lyons said that Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey's policies for superannuation and the age pension will hurt low and middle…
‘State of the Union’Address by ACTU President Ged Kearney to the ACTU Indigenous ConferenceTuesday, 20 May 2014Tiffins on the Park, Adelaide *** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY*** I wish to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet, the Kaurna (pronounced: Ga-ur-na) peoples, and pay my respects to their…
The ASU and ALAEA negotiating team and bargaining reps met with Emirates management in Sydney on 15 May 2014 to advise the company of the consultations we have held about the latest offer for a new agreement at Emirates. [Download the full bulletin below]    Emirates Bulletin, 20 May 2014
As Trade Ministers from 12 Pacific Rim countries meet in Singapore, fair trade, public health, environment, church, unions (including the ASU) and other community groups have endorsed a letter to Trade Minister Andrew Robb. The letter calls on the Minister to reject harmful proposals in the TPP, which should not…
Working Life is a news source for all workers, bringing you a range of stories. Read it, print it, share it! The latest is a special Budget edition and includes the following: Hockey takes axe to the social wage; Abbott and Hockey's lost generation; Hockey's horrorshow will hurt battlers most;…
As the principal union in the sector, the Australian Services Union is disturbed to report that local government has taken a big hit from last night's Budget. In fact, it seems that the Federal Government is actively de-prioritising local government as a policy area. The Budget cuts have hit local…
Unions fear the implications of last night's Budget will be felt for years to come with young job seekers among those most significantly impacted. ACTU President Ged Kearney said, "The so-called budget for everyone will hurt some much more than others." "By removing the safety net for young job seekers,…
In last night’s Budget the Federal Government tried to sweeten the state government pot. The formula to top up state assets with resources obtained from the privatisation of Medibank, recently discussed between state governments and the Commonwealth, might sound a good idea, but it will have a negative effect on…
The Close the Gap Campaign today reiterated its call for the Government to deliver on its commitment to the national effort to close the gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians. Click here to read this on the AHRC website The Close the Gap Campaign has…
The Abbott Government's first Budget signals the end of the Aussie fair go, unions said tonight. "The Abbott Government's assault on welfare, Medicare, education and the public sector represents the end of the fair go and the biggest attack on the social wage this country has ever seen," ACTU President…