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ASU delegates and officials again met with Qantas domestic airports' management to get both an update on the restructuring plans for service and sales desk and baggage services but also to hear what decisions had been made about the management restructure. On the plans for service and sales desk and…
Blacktown Council has approved the establishment of an Executive Leadership Team to investigate improving and expanding the Council's child care services. This committee will oversee the running of child care until at least June 2015. At Council's ordinary meeting on Wednesday 9 April, 2014, it was agreed upon by all…
Australian unions today said that trade deals can't be negotiated at the expense of Australian workers and local jobs following reports that Prime Minister Tony Abbott is facing demands from China that it be allowed to bring in workers for projects funded by Chinese investors. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said…
PENNY Carr is co-ordinator of the Tenants' Union of Queensland, and was named Delegate of the Year at the ACTU National Union Awards in Melbourne last month. She has been a member of The Services Union since 1993 and has been actively engaged in campaigning for the industrial and working…
Working Life is a news source for all workers, bringing you a range of stories. Read it, print it, share it! The latest edition includes the following: Public backs raising the minimum wage; Finance sector's gender pay gap is a continuing scandal; More 457 visa abuses as Government loosens rules; Public servants told-…
Bargaining has officially commenced at Startrack. Management has issued a Bargaining Notice which officially commences the bargaining period for a new enterprise agreement for contact centre and administrative staff at Startrack. Download the full bulletin below    StarTrack Bulletin, 10 April 2014
A Productivity Commission Inquiry and two Senate Committee inquiries make a total of three formed in recent months to look into the child care sector. As the Union for early childhood educators in local government, the ASU continues to amplify the voice of our members with a submission to each…
On Thursday 27th March ASU officials and Delegates from each of the Telephone Sales centres met with Qantas Management to receive an update on the current review of the Australian and New Zealand telephone sales centres. Overall there was not a lot of new information available on the review but…
A $27 wage rise per week for our lowest paid workers is essential if Australia is to avoid creating an underclass of working poor, unions say. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said that new research contained within the ACTU submission to the Fair Work Commission's Annual Wage Review shows that if…
Converging on Canberra from all parts of the country, Qantas workers and union officials last week lobbied pollies at Parliament House on behalf of everyone working at the Flying Kangaroo. The ASU's delegation was joined by the ACTU, NUW, TWU, AMWU and AWU. Our courageous members shone as they told…