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Tony Abbott has given the green light to send tens of thousands of Australian jobs overseas with his decision to amend critical sections of the Qantas Sales Act. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said Qantas workers and their families would be waking up this morning devastated by the news that Prime…
Following the decision last week by Qantas CEO Alan Joyce to sack 5000 workers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions and your Union called a crisis meeting with Mr Joyce and his management team to find out why they are pursuing a strategy of savage job cuts that will hurt…
The USU Branch of the ASU Commissioned Professor Brian Dollery to produce a comprehensive and independent response to the NSW Independent Panel's Report Revitalising Local Government. Professor Dollery's report can be downloaded on the USU webpage along with the USU's Summary, Review and USU Response of 'Revitalising Local Government' Final…
As privatisation looms as the Abbott Government's preferred method of reducing debt, the ASU and others are using submissions to inquiries and reviews to highlight the failures of this approach. Our submission to the Federal Government which is preparing an Energy White Paper continues this focus. The ASU has campaigned…
Tony Abbott has a clear choice to make when Cabinet meets to discuss the future of Qantas tomorrow - save Qantas workers, or open the gates to sack even more of them. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said Qantas workers are already unsure if their jobs are safe following Alan Joyce's…
The Australian Services Union has labelled the Qantas decision to shed 5000 full time workers across the Qantas Group as short sighted and has vowed to fight for every job. ASU Assistant National Secretary Linda White said that the Qantas announcement is devastating for the hard working staff of Qantas…
Today's announcement by the Qantas Group of the cutting of 5000 jobs and the massive restructuring across the Group is a dark day in the proud history of your airline and it cannot go unchallenged by any of us who have worked hard to make the company an Australian icon…
An employer push to stop the Fair Work Commission (FWC) from considering bullying that occurred before the new laws came into effect demonstrates heartless disregard for workers and lets employers off the hook, said unions. ACTU Assistant Secretary Michael Borowick said the new laws – which came into effect on…
The Abbott Government's assault on workers continues today with shocking reports that it intends to make it easier for employers to bypass local workers and Australian industries. The reports outline the Coalition's intention to make it easier for employers to hire 457 visa workers and for major projects to import…
Over the past few weeks, speculation has been rife on the future of Qantas in Australia. This speculation has not only been played out in the media, but many Qantas workers are hearing rumours around their workplace about their future job security.                 …