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In a decision which humiliates the O'Farrell Government and vindicates the Labor Opposition, the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) today upheld an application for public sector workers to be paid an increase in wages of 2.5 per cent – without deducting an increase in superannuation. "While this decision is very welcome,…
Virgin Ground Crew and GCC staff have overwhelmingly endorsed the ASU negotiated agreement – with 75% of those voting, voting in favour of the new agreement. This is a fantastic result particularly as over 77% of the staff covered by the agreement cast a vote. A big thank you must…
Yesterday the High Court handed down a significant decision in favour of free speech and the ability of organisations like unions to campaign for workers' rights and against unjust political actions through campaigns like "Your Rights at Work". This was in response to legislation introduced by the NSW Government in…
The Wilderness Society (TWS) staff would be aware that management have met with the ASU and employee bargaining reps to discuss the bargaining process for a Multi-Enterprise Agreement (MEA). As required by the Fair Work Act management have notified staff about bargaining rights. A preliminary logistics meeting between the bargaining…
Workers relying on a robust Australian job's market have been let down following a policy-light and blame-heavy announcement at today's Midyear Economic and Fiscal Outlook announcement by Treasurer Joe Hockey. ACTU President Ged Kearney said, "Mr Hockey chose to focus on blame shifting and cuts to jobs and services without…
Unions are calling on the Prime Minister to outline a plan for jobs not cuts in the Government's response to the mid-year economic and fiscal outlook (MYEFO) today. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the Government needs to urgently spell out how it is going to create the two million jobs…
You may have seen that in The Australian today we're letting people know that our trustee system is not only the envy of the world, but an economic and public policy success story that has bipartisan and community-wide support. Arguably it is its compulsory nature that has made super what…
The ASU Jetstar National Negotiating team (NNT) met with management representatives for our 6th EBA negotiation meeting on 11th December and we have given the company a clear message that it is time to get serious about our negotiations and put an effort into trying to resolve the differences between…
Across Australia over this last week we have been holding meetings and answering questions about the Virgin Australia Ground Crew agreement proposal that we have negotiated and now it is time for team members covered by the new agreement to cast a vote to accept or reject this agreement. At…
Following Holden's announcement that manufacturing in Australia would cease in 2017, ASU SA&NT Branch Secretary Joseph Scales personally contacted all our ASU members at Holden to offer support during this difficult time. Joseph assured members that the ASU will continue the fight for their rights as we come to terms…