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This edition contains the following items: Promised increases to child care worker salaries latest hit by Abbott's cuts; FirstEnergy Corp – one of the largest electric power corporations in the United States; National Executive Resolution - calls Audit Commission (Government) - Opposition (ALP) - and all UNIONS to oppose privatisation…
Climate change threatens everything for which the labour movement stands including fairness, social justice and decent work. This was the message UNI Chief Philip Jennings delivered in a keynote speech to the W3 International Conference in Toronto. You can read this article on the UNI website by clicking here Invited…
The ASU has expressed its great concern at reports the Federal Government will cut child care funding by reneging on deals made with the sector to provide money to attract and retain child care centre staff who currently receive very low pay. Hitting child care centres with reduced funding is…
Trade Ministers from the 12 countries will meet in Singapore on December 7-9 to make decisions about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). If you're in Sydney, rally tomorrow to show your support for a deal protecting Australia's public interest and write to our Trade Minister expressing your concerns. The US…
The ACTU calls on the Queensland Government to put the safety of workers first, not the money-making interests of their business mates. The Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 (QLD) – which will be considered by Safe Work Australia on Friday – calls for national laws…
The ASU this week lodged a submission expressing our serious concerns with the Federal Government's "Commission of Audit". The Audit has been set up to review services, timing and cost value to government, along with the Federal Government's relationship with state and local government. The ASU has a range of…
Tougher policing of imports described as asbestos free is urgently needed by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, the ACTU said yesterday. As shown on the ABC's 7.30 program earlier this week, and the subject of Union concerns over a long period, the inadequacy of importation controls, especially those…
The ASU is continuing to voice its opposition to regressive changes to superannuation being delivered by the new Abbott Government. Today the Senate Economics Legislation Committee is hearing submissions on the repeal of the Mining Tax, which includes removal of the Low Income Super Contribution (LISC) and a delay to…
White Ribbon Ambassador and ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said Australian Unions will support a special resolution at the ACTU Executive on Tuesday for paid domestic violence leave to be included as a minimum entitlement in the 2014 modern award review. "Australia is already leading the world with over 1.2 million…
November 25 each year is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women or White Ribbon Day. The ASU, other unions and a large variety of organisations worldwide participate in awareness raising activities to promote the message because violence against women is not something we should keep a…