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This edition contains the following items: NTC and Austroads deepen links to improve transport regulatory reform; NO need to even try economic arguments for privatisation of State Assets; IAC update on Continuous Improvement of SIS; Citizen Committees in Local Government; Outsourcing decision-making to big business raises questions about credibility of…
ACTU said the announcement from Minister for Employment Eric Abetz that the Government plans to freeze jobs, is a blow for the public who access services and an unfortunate outcome for workers hoping to enter the public sector. "This will lead to a thinning out of services that are regularly…
The Union representing office and sales workers at Flight Centre has called on shareholders at the annual AGM to vote against increases to managerial pay at the same time cuts are being made to the base pay of their employees. The Flight Centre AGM is being held today at Customs…
Representatives of the ASU met with Emirates management Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October 2013 to begin negotiations for the next Enterprise Agreement to replace the Emirates Enterprise Agreement 2011. [Download the full bulletin below]    Emirates Bulletin, 31 October 2013
Today the Fair Work Commission approved ASU/Qantas EBA 10. Two employee bargaining reps from Brisbane Airport appeared at the Fair Work Commission representing their own interests to oppose the approval of the agreement. These two employees argued that certain part time conditions in the EBA indirectly discriminated against them. Both…
Taking a lunch break has become a thing of the past for millions of Aussie bosses and their employees, a new survey has revealed. The survey, conducted by The Australia Institute and beyondblue for this year's national Go Home on Time Day initiative, found that 3.8 million people routinely don't…
The Abbott Government has begun its attack on ordinary workers by drafting laws that cut taxes for big mining companies but scrap programs, including the Low Income Superannuation Contribution, that benefit low and middle-income workers. The draft of the Minerals Resource Rent Tax Repeal and Other Measures Bill 2013 released…
The ITUC together with 163 other trade union and civil society organisations and trade unions are raising concerns over a proposed expansion of the Information Technology Agreement ("ITA II") being negotiated at the World Trade Organisation. A joint letter to WTO member points to the damage the proposals would do…
Go Home on Time Day is an annual initiative of The Australia Institute, in partnership with beyondblue. The Day is a light-hearted way to start a serious conversation about work-life balance. The ASU encourages members and supporters to participate in the Day as the issue of work-life balance can impact…
The Abbott Government's Commission of Audit is nothing but a process to outsource public policy to big business and pave the way for cuts to public services, the ACTU said yesterday. ACTU President Ged Kearney said that this had already happened in Queensland where the Newman Government used the same…