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Whether it’s a last minute meeting, a task that will just take a moment, a phone call that can’t be ignored or your inbox needs a clean out, many of you don’t manage to make it out the door on time. The ASU is urging our members and supporters to…
Qantas Holidays staff have voted unanimously to endorse the ASU EBA 2 deal negotiated and recommended by the ASU's Qantas Holidays National Negotiating Team. The external company conducting the ballot, Elections Australia Pty Ltd has declared that ASU (Qantas Holidays) EBA 2 has been approved by the majority of staff…
The ASU has been liaising with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) about submissions and consultations for the National Review on Pregnancy and Return to Work. We will be making a submission to the Review and we need your help to give them the real picture of what is going…
Tony Abbott's decision to repeal the price on carbon is putting at risk Australia's ability to capitalise on the clean tech, low carbon jobs of the future, ACTU president Ged Kearney said, "Failure to invest and support a local clean energy industry through comprehensive climate change policy will cost future…
International unions are calling on the Qatar authorities to give an immediate response to the request for urgent reforms for migrant workers following a ten-day UN investigation in the country. You can find this article on the ITUC website by clicking here Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation,…
The Australian Services Union (ASU) Victorian Private Sector Branch will be protesting at the RACV AGM today, urging stakeholders to ask questions of Executive management about the long running dispute over pay and conditions for call centre staff. ASU Victorian Private Sector Branch Secretary Ingrid Stitt said that after 6…
The ACTU are concerned about the consequences of the Government's public service jobs freeze in science and innovation which, over time, will see a drop in productivity and vital job-creating innovation. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said, "Cutting jobs at the CSIRO will be bad for productivity in the long run.…
The Abbott Government's announcement that it will scrap the 15 per cent tax on superannuation income above $100,000 a year, while at the same time removing superannuation tax breaks for workers on less than $37,000 per year, shows the new Government is intent on rewarding the wealthy and holds workers'…
ASU Victorian Private Sector Branch members at the RACV call centre applied the brakes today in a four hour stop work rally for better pay and conditions. The morning shift walked off the job at 8am with a rally held at 10am. Hundreds of union members and delegates turned out…
The Abbott Government's attempt to introduce an appeals body to amend decisions made by the Fair Work Commission is another attempt to strip back workers' rights, the ACTU said today. ACTU President Ged Kearney said media reports today made it clear that the Abbott Government wanted to reduce the FWC's…