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The ACTU today rejected a recommendation by the Federal Government's top policy agency to lift the retirement age to 70, as out of touch with the reality of life for Australian workers. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the proposal by the Productivity Commission ignores the reality that while life expectancy…
The ITF this week called on affiliates to join workers around the world and demand good jobs at Walmart companies and along the Walmart supply chain. You can read this item on the ITF website by clicking here The global action week, coordinated by ITF’s sister global union federation UNI…
Unions present conditions for Qatar to keep World Cup. “If Qatar does not respond properly, the World Cup should be taken from them” said Michael Sommer. At the invitation of FIFA President Joseph Blatter following an initiative from German Football Federation (DFB) President Wolfgang Niersbach, a meeting at FIFA’s Zuerich…
After a drawn out struggle over more than two years, the ASU is thrilled to report that the Philippine Airlines Employees Association (PALEA) has reached agreement with Philippine Airlines for the reinstatement of 600 workers. As a fellow aviation union, the ASU participated in solidarity actions in support of PALEA's…
Sales assistants, checkout operators, receptionists and clerical workers are among workers set to bear the brunt of the Coalition's attack on superannuation. A Bill, which overturns the superannuation rebate along with the mining tax and other spending measures including the School Kids Bonus and the Regional Development Fund, passed the…
Join the rally in Sydney next week to protest the threat to people's rights. The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is a free trade agreement involving Australia, the US, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Japan and Vietnam. Negotiations are secretive, but we know from leaked documents and…
When considering the status of working women, union negotiated collective agreements, policies and services achieve numerous conditions of employment that deliver greater income security and work-life balance to Australian families. Research released by The Grattan Institute in 2012 estimated that a small 6% increase in workforce participation of women should…
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) joins major environmental and development groups in protest action at COP 19 in Warsaw where Governments are not acting responsibly to tackle the threat to lives, jobs and livelihoods that climate change represents. You can read this news item on the ITUC website by…
Today is the fifth annual Go Home on Time Day, an initiative of The Australia Institute and beyondblue which aims to promote work-life balance and mentally healthy workplaces. Executive Director of The Australia Institute Dr Richard Denniss said it was exciting that more than 350 businesses and organisations have registered…
The ACTU has today been approached by unions that represent Qantas workers who are extremely concerned by news reports regarding the national carrier. "We are concerned about reports of an uncertain future for Qantas as a result of the uneven playing field that has evolved within the local aviation industry,"…