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The ASU's success in negotiating the world's first enterprise agreement clause supporting victims of domestic violence in 2010 has been recognised in a recent academic study as an instance of achieving equality measures through bargaining. The study by Professor Marian Baird of Sydney University considered the circumstances around the ASU's…
The ASU welcomed the announcement late last year of the establishment of a Senate Select Committee to inquire into the Federal Government's National Commission of Audit (NCA). We believe this Senate Committee will provide some independent advice and allow community views to be heard. The ASU has lodged a submission…
The ASU supports the recent letter sent by our trade campaigning partner AFTINET (Australian Fair Trade & Investment Network) to local councils across the country advising of the various adverse effects the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement could potentially have on local government. The ASU is a supporting partner and affiliate…
In addition to the inquiry already underway by the Productivity Commission, the Australian Senate will also be inquiring into the early childhood education and care sector. As a major stakeholder in this sector, the ASU will be making a submission to advocate for our members. "The ASU is pleased to…

Virgin EBA approved by FWC

06 February 2014
On 29 January 2014 the Fair Work Commission approved your new EBA. This is fantastic news and testament to union member's perseverance in holding out for a better agreement. Your new EBA takes effect 7 days after Commission approval so therefore all of the new provisions and improved conditions are…
The Abbott Government has turned its back on Australian workers and sided with big business to drive down wages and conditions in this country, unions said today. ACTU President Ged Kearney said workers have been misled by Prime Minister Abbott who told voters before the election that he would not…
ACTU President Ged Kearney today warned workers in the NT that the Abbott Government is using job losses and industry uncertainty to go after wages and conditions. Speaking to workers at Nightcliff Family Centre in Darwin, Ms Kearney said not only was Mr Abbott not standing up for local jobs,…
Working Life is a news source for all workers, bringing you a range of stories. Read it, print it, share it! The latest edition includes the following: Abbott blamed for Holden's demise; New Senator Bob Day puts families first and workers last; This is our community and we want to…
The Abbott Government's reluctance to step up to the challenge and save jobs and industries is a smokescreen for cuts to wages and conditions, said ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver. "In a blatant attempt to spread misinformation the Abbott Government seeks to blame hardworking Australians instead of attributing blame where it…
Following negotiations last Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th January Emirates management indicated that it was now the intention to put the draft EBA out for employees to vote on. [Download the full bulletin below]    Emirates Bulletin, 31 January 2014