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Emirates Airlines employees were all set to vote on the EBA with the ballot to begin on the 2 March 2013. Now Emirates management have requested another negotiating meeting. The ASU/ALAEA believe this could be beneficial as long as Emirates bargain in good faith by informing the ASU/ALAEA and employee…
Unions demand the Abbott Government drop any attempt to introduce Individual Contracts that will cut take-home pay. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the Abbott Government has given employers the green light to cut people's pay under the guise of greater 'flexibility'. "This is a blatant attempt to cut pay and…
As G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers prepare to meet in Sydney, the "Labour 20" warned against complacency by policy makers that risks leading to higher not lower unemployment. Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the ITUC said that the time has come for Finance Ministers to recognise that their policies…
With the wage Price Index released today showing wages growth well below average in every single industry, it's time for the Abbott Government to come clean about the non-existent 'wages-blowout'. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said, "The truth is that we are seeing the slowest wages growth on record and it's…
Reply to the Trade Minister's claims that "safeguards" in trade agreements prevent investors from suing governments over health and environmental legislation. This article was first published on the AFTINET website on 11 February 2014 - click to read the item there The Abbott Government policy is to negotiate the inclusion…
With mounting job losses and the highest unemployment rate in over a decade, the Abbott Government needs to abandon its empty rhetoric and tell Australians where the new jobs are going to come from. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said news today that Aloca will close its Point Henry aluminium smelter…
Since the last meeting on 11 December 2013 (see bulletin 7) your National Negotiating Team (NNT) have scheduled 3 meetings with Jetstar management to try and get the company's response to our EBA 5 issues – each time the company reps have postponed the meeting saying they could not get…
Qatar's new World Cup worker welfare standards do not deliver fundamental rights for workers and merely reinforce the discredited kafala system of employer control over workers, warned the International Trade Union Confederation. You can read this article on the ITUC website here "Forced labour continues in Qatar today with no…
ASU members, parents and families of children who attend the Altona North and Altona Meadows children's services are taking a short pause in their work to campaign for their beloved services after a small but important victory at last night's Hobson's Bay Council meeting. "Hobson's Bay Council had planned to…
TONY Abbott and his new Coalition government have long planned a Royal Commission into the union movement. This, of course, was not a policy that the Coalition took to the 2013 election. Such a naked attack would have ‘scared the horses’, exposing what the Coalition has been desperate to hide—its…