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Your ASU National Negotiating Team (NNT) hit the ground running at our first face to face meeting with Toll Dnata management in Sydney on 5th and 6th September 2013. As members know our claim had been resoundingly endorsed and so your NNT tabled a range of detailed claims to fill…
ASU and ALAEA members have now endorsed a claim for our new Emirates agreement which was provided to the company representatives at our first negotiations meeting on 20th September 2013. ASU and ALAEA members are represented by a National Negotiating Team (NNT) made up of delegates and officials as follows:…
The ASU endorses the international action week by the ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation) that aims to raise awareness of workplace issues for transport workers. We encourage ASU Branches and members to participate in events. The ASU is an affiliate of the ITF. You can find the following item on…
Unions are urging workers to call the Workers' Rights Hotline on 1300 486 466 if they have been pressured into contracting arrangements that rob them of entitlements like sick and holiday leave. A relaxation of rules around independent contracting by the Abbott Government will see more employees exploited under sham…
Raising the GST or applying it to fresh food, health and education costs would unfairly hit working people and the government should instead remove tax breaks for high-income earners and crack down on tax evasion, the ACTU said today. At a time the new Abbott Government is dismantling the mining…
The Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 requires that the financial affairs of unions are checked and audited every 12 months to make sure union funds are administered properly and to detect any shortcomings. Unions are also required to prepare an operating report. The National Executive and the Branches of…
The Abbott Government's plans to scrap industry support associated with carbon pricing would have a direct impact on jobs growth and bring a wave of workplace innovation to reduce energy use and greenhouse emissions to an abrupt halt the ACTU warned today. Cutting schemes like the Clean Energy Finance Corporation…
Global union, Public Services International (PSI) denounces Trade in Services Agreement. Governments meeting this week in Geneva, Switzerland are negotiating in secret a proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA). You can read this article on the PSI website here The 48 countries participating in the TISA negotiation seem intent on…
ACTU President Ged Kearney said plans by the new Coalition Government to abandon wage increases for up to 350,000 workers in aged and childcare was in direct conflict with Tony Abbott's commitment that no worker would be worse off. "It is a betrayal by the Coalition of some of Australia's…
The FedEx EA 2013 was recently approved by the Fair Work Commission but not before a challenge by the ASU in relation to inferior conditions when compared with the minimum safety net of the Clerks - Private Sector Award such as: Part time - no written agreement on a regular…