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This edition contains the following items:  Lib takes a dive on council pool vote; Child Care Update: equal pay application; Top women break ranks on Abbott paid parental leave scheme; ASU and other public sector unions seek certainty on Abbott's paid parental leave policy; Apprentice pay rise a win for…
This edition includes the following articles:  Five ideas for union recruitment of young people; LGBT rights at the workplace; Pay gap not closing for young women; Stand Up Conference - Modernising unions to connect with young workers; Young workers training on strengthening core labour standards; plus more. Download the bulletin…
The ACTU is warning of a sharp rise in Patrick-style attacks on workers' jobs and conditions under the Coalition's policy of supporting employer-only greenfield agreements. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said the situation at Glencore Xstrata's Collinsville mine, where the company will shut the gates on hundreds of mineworkers tomorrow to…
Unions fear low-paid workers in the aged care sector will miss out on pay rises secured by the Labor Government under Tony Abbott's plans to give the money intended for workers direct to providers. Enterprise agreements were the best way to ensure the money flowed direct to workers and was…
The Coalition's policy of handing out bonuses as a solution to long-term unemployment suggests the fault lies with jobseekers and ignores the alarming reality of declining job opportunities for young Australians. A report released yesterday shows that in a softening jobs market the ever-growing number of people from overseas on…
Voters believe many aspects of life from rights at work to cost of living would be worse under an Abbott government, new polling shows. Essential Research polling commissioned by the ACTU found that the only things people thought would improve were conditions for business. Job security, education, health, public services…
On behalf of local government child care members, the ASU met with the Federal Minister's office to confirm that local government would not miss out on the early childhood funding applications. Please see our earlier item on this issue here: ASU meets with the Minister for Early Childhood and Youth.…
The ACTU has written to all Liberal federal election candidates asking if they will commit to retaining penalty rates if they are elected. ACTU President Ged Kearney said unions were reaching out to Liberal candidates as senior party officials were suggesting a Coalition Government would back a post-election assault on…
The ASU welcomes the news of and supports the United Voice equal pay application for private sector child carers as the need to recognise early childhood education and care grows. ASU Assistant National Secretary, Greg McLean, attended the first hearing of the United Voice claim for equal remuneration for early…
Public Services International stands with Detroit and public workers. Detroit is the largest city to file for bankruptcy in United States history. But it is not the only city in economic crisis, and what happens in Detroit matters—it matters to AFSCME members who have dedicated their working lives to providing…