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The ASU Organising Committee at RACV Member Contact Centre has reached a breakthrough in negotiations with management over their new agreement. >>> Read the full item on the Branch website here
The ASU continues to support workers in Fiji who have faced assaults on their workplace rights since 2011. The latest case involves sugar workers whose wages have declined by 40% in recent years. After secret ballots, their union has called for strike action but has faced Government retaliation. Australian unions…
Australians face a stark choice at this election between a government that will stand up for work rights and an opposition which has promised to wind back protections at work and introduce individual contracts. ACTU President Ged Kearney said working people would be looking for parties and candidates to demonstrate…
This edition contains the following items: Constitutional Recognition of Local Government; Qualification charts would be valuable to Local Government Industry Branch Vocational Advisory Committees; Australians back skills and education as best path to productivity growth; It Shouldn't Happen to our VET; Marles vows not to cave to US pressure; 2013…
Both sides of politics must focus on supporting jobs and industry with today's budget update revealing a concerning projected rise in unemployment, the ACTU said today. The Federal Government has revised projected unemployment upwards from 5.75 to 6.25% in 2013-14. "In this economic climate, with rising unemployment, we need both…
The ACTU welcomes new funding from the Federal Government to tackle deaths from asbestos exposure with $6.4 million to go to the new Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency to implement the National Strategic Plan for Asbestos Awareness and Management. ACTU Assistant Secretary Michael Borowick said Australia had the highest per…
Australian business is again pushing to cut wages with the Business Council of Australia saying that penalty rates should be re-examined and that the minimum wage could be 'a problem'. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the BCA's action plan released today showed some vision for Australia so it was disappointing…
With members in the rail sector, the ASU is promoting Rail Safety Week from 12-18 August. The focus is on improving the safety of everyone around railway lines. Visit the Rail Safety Week website to learn about the issues. There are resources and videos to help raise awareness. From the…
On the same day as the Business Council of Australia has called for cuts to the minimum wage, the Coalition has revisited its politically-motivated policy attacking unions' ability to represent workers' interests, the ACTU said. The ACTU has no tolerance for corruption by union officials, said ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver.…
A referendum to recognise local government in the Australian Constitution is planned to accompany this year's federal election. The ASU asks Australians to vote YES for this recognition to ensure our local councils are able to continue to provide the services we have all come to expect. Local government employees…